tailbone. The second at the sacrum or small of back. The third in the mid low back. The fourth chakra at the chest. Fifth at the throat. Sixth at brown or where nose meets the forehead, and the seventh at the crown of the head. Chakra zero and chakras 8, 16, 23, 31, 43, 51, 59 sit at the feet.
Why is there one less chakra in the 5th dimension or reality? That missing space which sits between chakra 18 and 19 is much like a space or divider. It also sits at position 3 or the lumbar chakra position, and is a metaphysical preventor from achieving Soruba Samadhi.
The extra chakras 39-42 relate to the Omni?s (Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnitempus which simply mean ever presence, all-knowing, all-powerful, and deathless or all-lasting).
For more information on the chakra system go to www.youtube.com/agreszcz and watch free breakthrough videos on the chakra system.
Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn Avatar Master Yogi and metaphysician. Through mastering Samadhi, unlocking higher chakras, and becoming master of abundance, metaphysics, and omnipresence, teaches insights, meditations, and breakthrough information to build abundance, metaphysics, and godliness in any true seeker.
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