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consideration when buying tarot cards is price. There are many different sets of tarot cards that you can buy. If it is your first time at tarot, remember that you don’t need to go for the most expensive set.

Purchasing tarot cards should be done with respect. Though there are very cheap tarot cards available, you want to find a set that is both within your budget, and also one which you will value.

There are others however, some which utilise other systems. For example there may be angel cards which have different aspects or other cultures systems. Ultimately they all work, as divining works.

However, one point to consider is like with most things, more you pay for it, the more likely you will use them, and take good care of them. 

Storing the Deck

Which leads me to storage.  You will need a really nice box to keep your cards in and to keep the energy off them so they are fresh for the next reading.  We all have an energy around us and coming from us and as others handle your deck, their energy passes onto it.  I recommend a wooden box or a box made from a natural fibre and a naturally made fabric to go around it like a silk scarf (real silk that is).  There are lots of gorgeous boxes out there, just make sure they fit the size of the cards that you buy as not all are the same standard size.  Have some fun with it.  Maybe get a plain wooden box and personalise it.  Put things on it, or paint on it or just keep it plain.

Cleansing the Deck

If you feel that your cards need cleansing (as I would do after a day of tarot card parties where I would reading up to 10 people’s cards), I get a quartz crystal that I wash in water first, then put in the sun to charge for a few hours and then place it

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