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historical data as we can stomach. First, we want to ensure that the system’s developers are touting past winners that actually occurred. Did those Exxon 70 calls work out to be a good trade? Believe it or not, there are some hucksters out there that will simply make up profitable trades that didn’t happen just to get you in the door.

We also want to look at past results to test the signals service’s ability to recommend good trades in a variety of market conditions. It’s easy to recommend calls when the market is in a strong uptrend, but did your options signal service come through for you when the market turned down by recommending plenty of puts? What about during sideways markets? Did your system just shut down as many services as possible in choppy markets, or did it generate some solid ideas? These are a couple of the things that astute options investors look for when evaluating a signals service.

One Part Of Your Toolbox, Not The Whole Thing

Signals services are a fine idea for any options investor looking to get a leg up on the market, and especially for those that don’t have a lot of extra time to do research. That said, an options signal service should be just one part of your trading arsenal, not a crutch that you consistently depend on. Think of the signals service as complement to, not the sole driver of, your winning strategy. Your visitor can shuffle, draw and cut cards and watch the cards move on the table. However, there are restrictions in what your visitor can see. He’ll not see the meanings window, your menu or other dialogs.
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