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have chosen your eye hospital then feel free to consult and ask your eye doctor about the number of eye operations conducted, type of introcular lens insertions, general cleanliness and infection free environment. Also ask for pre and after cataract consultancy support available. Ask for the detailed hand outs or proper explaination pertaining to the information you need and if possible the detailed information rgarding the cataract operation itself. Choosing a Cataract Surgeon for Multiple Vision Lenses If you are considering cataract operation for multi vision then also remember to follow the above basic guidelines along with the following directions. Though the success rate or cataract operation is very high but any genuine cataract eye surgeon will not make any guarantees for your perfect vision. He may still suggest the usage of eyeglasses under certain circumstances. A good eye surgeon will always have post operation follow up procedures in case there is any unlikely complication involved. Always ask for other vision enhancement surgeries like astigmatism in case you can afford the extra costs. Though it may not be required in many cases. Although there have been some major innovations in intraocular lenses and the result varies from person to person , so avoid any eye surgeon who makes false claims and take the decision based upon your needs and budget. All these questions about cataract eye and cataract surgery can be answered at Dr. Om Prakash Eye Insitute India which has been torch bearer by employing the latest techniques with state-of-the-art technology; be it the Infiniti cataract system or the Navex customized lasik laser.Experience of more than 200,000 eye surgeries has seen a sea of humanity smile and lead a useful life. The

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