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Choosing Love Magick: Be Careful What You Wish For

Playing with love magick can be a very bad idea and something to be very carefully with, but at the same time, who can’t use a little help where love is concerned?

So, first here are the warnings. Then, we’ll get on to what to do if you really need help.

One of the core precepts of the Wiccan faith is to harm no other. If you are weaving spells or intoning rituals which are meant to sway the minds of others, then you are by definition harming them.

Free will is one of the most precious gifts we have been granted. Spells and rituals that are designed to infringe upon that free will and force others to do things by your design, instead of in accord with their own will, steals that most precious of gift from them.

In addition, whatever feelings or desires that they manifested for you would never be real or honest, but would instead simply be the manifestation of the magicks. Would you really want to be with someone under those circumstances? “Never really knowing if their feelings for you were genuine” or simply the product of magic?

So, in this particular case, my best advice to you is to take the time and put in the effort to do things the old fashioned way. After all, anything really worth doing is certainly worth doing right. If it is meant to be, then there is no need to rush or hurry things – and you will be much happier in the long term from having not done something you would likely regret.

Beyond that, there is the issue of the type of love that comes with a love spell. Many people who have disregarded the above advice find themselves in abusive relationships or worse because they have forced another person to become so obsessed

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