Connecting the present delusions & historical distortions of the so called Abrahamic beliefs (Judaism, Christianity & Islam ) to the vast ROman Empire many Religious worships which all centered on Sacred Sex rituals.
Connecting the present delusions & historical distortions of the so called Abrahamic beliefs (Judaism, Christianity & Islam ) to the vast ROman Empire many Religious worships which all centered on Sacred Sex rituals.
I don´t understand one thing:
Is there a lack of integration of the sexual fact into Christianity,
or, anyway,
there is no transcendence in ANY religion (not only Christianity), since all historic expression of the religious fact is not anything but an intellectual, or creative, interpretation of libido (remaining, I understand) ?
Thank you again.
“why not relate god with sex, as in tantra? ”
It ALL originate in the brain. Vedic chants, Kama Sutra, Nanga Ranga, Shiva, Kali sexual thugs, Ahuramazda rituals,,,etc ect etc
Even the Penis-Christ, snake, spinal chord chacras are simple neurological interpretations of the 5000 year old libidinal orgasmic interpretations of Atun & Isis..,
The reason there are Christian History Distortions due to Ignorance of Sacred Sex. Today biology of reproduction
But, why only sex?, why not relate god with sex, as in tantra? thank you
hitobedut : “If penis is christ, then sperm are priests ?”. The word Christ simply means anointed savior god, which Caesar was. Their heads ( both) were anointed with sacred oil. The rays of the sun-god were viewed as his creator penises, represented by obelisks. Snakes & ram horns were also equivalent to the creator Penis-god (hence the name Penis-Christ). Semen was viewed by ancients as river of life MILK of the god as was breast milk. Sex was view as sacred.
that explains why people cry out “god” during orgasm. And puts a new meaning on entering the holy of holies ! If penis is christ, then sperm are priests ???
hitobedut: “Penis Christ ? lol i cant believe i heard that.” .Not Penis Christ, but our Lord & Savior penis-Christ. It is amazing the Christ-psychotic ignorant prudes don’t say it is. They LOVE to ignore the truth….but this is expected from retarded fools that read only one book..LOL.. I love to rub EVIDENCE in their disturbed heads.The more one knows the more difficult it is for them to LIE to you. 2+2=4 and not 6 as they insist.
Penis Christ ? lol i cant believe i heard that.
5/5 Vry educational wake upthose monkeys rom their sleep
Exactly. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence. These retards can’t prove god exists therefore it doesn’t.
You know. I’m glad that retards are scared of sex. If they weren’t than our world would be more fucked up than it already is.
I agree, he would make a great teacher, if he hasn’t worked as one already.
Leslie “Hey you ugly mentally retarded ape calpurnpiso” LOL..Hey faith-psychosis infected ignorant fool . You are WRONG for there is NO EVIDENCE, of a Jewish temple NO EViDENCE of a Moses NO EVIDENCE of an Ark, NO EVIDENCE of a Jewish “civilization” but There is EVIDENCE the temples were ROMAN where ROMAN GODS were WORSHIPPED by the Jews moron, go hit your deluded HEAD at its ROMAN WALLS, TRUTH HURTS eh? Remember fool there is NO GOD. We are in the 21st C, not the 5th. Bye see a neurologist tard
Brilliant, multi-layered, intelligent, passionate, well presented history lesson.
Hey you ugly mentally retarded ape calpurnpiso.
That’s King Solomon Jewish Temple built in the 10th century BCE. The Temple replaced the Tabernacle of Moses. Then it was destroyed by the Babylonians. The second Temple was completed in 516 BCE and was was renovated by Herod the Great sometimes referred to as Herod’s Temple.
The Temple was designed to house the Ark of the Covenant, and to serve all nations, particularly the Hebrew nation of Israel, as a place where any man could worship God.
Another excellent video.
Like to see you do a series on the reaction of the vatican to the first printing presses, often a tabu subject.
The church had worked so VERY hard to keep the people totally ignorant about reality & then came this machine that could mass produce books – words AND pictures.
The vatican went BALLISTIC, arresting, torturing & murdering the printers, smashing every machine they could & collecting every book they could get their grubby little hands on.
America is sinking. The education is terrible compared to Asian countries. They are not focusing in school enough. What i learn from Korea in one year in math i would learn it 4 times long
POSTMORTEM. Thanks. I think the reason is that the truth is boring requiring study & homework. People rather be entertained with deluded fairy tales of Christianity, magic acts, movies & other forms of escapism. This is the reason 82% of Americans are infected with delusions inducing Christ-psychosis. Housewives rather go to church, watch soap operas or play bingo. Men go to work, watch sports or believe ALL of the mumbo jumbo spouted by the hypocrite lying ministers or priests..& America sinks
I wonder why you don’t have 100 million more subscribers than you do. You are truly genius my friend! Once again, 5 stars!
cal. Thanks for another educational video. If only we could get the people with the pathological brains to understand this, society would be a MUCH better place.
mohamedspjs: You’re welcome. One must always keep in mind belief in God is a neurological disturbance. An addiction to feel good fairy tales. The study of these fairy tales is called Theology. The “science” of deluded fools addicted to dopamine. They take for granted that it is their BRAINS who is creating the thoughts of an imaginary friends aka god. The imaginary friend aka god is NOT inducing thinking in those malfunctioning brains, neurons via electromagnetism are.
I/ve learned more in 9 minutes and 55 seconds,then in years from so called theologist. thanks
shovet. Well, like everything else words, language, beliefs get distorted over time. S.H.I.T. were simply initials to warn the shippers of manure to place it on a higher places on the ship, not on the bottom where it could get wet emitting methane thus becoming a hazard. This is not unlike the word gay, which in the 19th Century meant happy, joyous, but which mutated to mean homosexual today it is amazing how much language has evolved, words having distorted creating different meanings.
Someone told me that same thing about the word shit like 2 years ago and I thought he was just messing with me.