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Christian Wicca: Finding Common Grounds

Christianity, as it stands today, is based on the teachings found in the Old and the New Testaments of the Christian Bible. In the Old Testament, witchcraft, divination and spirit communication, are condemned. In this Testament, the practices were strictly monotheistic, ruled by the iron fist of a God who was jealous, unforgiving, vengeful, easy to anger and destructive.

If viewed from this angle, it appears that the differences between traditional Wicca and Christian Wicca are not reconcilable. But don’t jump to any conclusions just yet.

In the New Testament, there is a marked change. Both a Holy Spirit and Jesus enter the scene. Jesus: Conceived by a Virgin, fathered by God. Even though literally interpreted by many that the conception took place without any form of intercourse and that Mary’s virginity remained in tact, the truth is that the child was conceived like millions before and millions after him. The spirit of Jesus was an ascended master though and it is more like that the conception refers to this highly evolved spirit incarnating in the child conceived by Mary and Joseph. All of this is highly speculative though.

What is significant is that we suddenly have a situation that smacks of polytheism – 3 deities instead of 1. Of further significance is the fact that the God of the Old Testament stops shouting the odds, threatening and abusing his people. If you read through the tales and lore of the New Testament, it is difficult to believe that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are related in any way. But I suppose that such a notion could be considered heretic.

When viewed from this angle, there is an opportunity for common

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