Question by Future: Christianity has caused the most death and destruction throughout history?
Historically speaking is this a fair assessment? The Christian religion has enslaved, killed, and destroyed more lives than all the Pagan religions, Judaism, and Islam put together?
(How could I research this topic? Cant figure out what to google)
TJM – Thanks for giving me something specific to compare Christianity against!
Best answer:
Answer by ~::JAEL::~
try christian persecution or something on that level
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No, because you’re talking like it’s the entire religion when Christianity is made up of many sects. Anyway, without proper statistics, it’s hard to tell.
yes, that is true
don’t get Christianity though mixed up with people. It’s people who have created this negative paradox through religion. It’s because people are all a bunch of losers as far as I’m concerned. But Religion is not to blame. People are generally selfish and egotistical and they can’t take the teachings of Jesus, who was very peaceful and accepting of all. It’s funny because if you read the New Testament it seems that Jesus warned against many of the things that happenned to religion as time passed, ie-the separation into different sects, and the violence he predicted.
No, that isn’t true. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding basement historians to support that view, but you will have a hard time substantiating it with legitimate historians. This is a prime example of historical revisionism.
No… Roman Paganism has (in the guise of christianity).
Well, the fact is, every culture and believes have their share of blood spills and spilling.. casualties and kills…
Americans with their Indians, Chinese with their Tibetans, Germans with their Jews.. You name it, it’s there..
And who are you to judge one live killed is less destructive than two lives?
So, fair enough to say, you can’t go all stereotyping one religion or culture just to make a point..
Extend your horizon a bit, braw..
I don’t think that is a fair assessment.
Christianity often gets blamed for killing off all the natives of the Americas, but for the most part that was plagues, not Christianity.
Native Americans had no resistance to European, African, and Asian diseases. After the Europeans made landfall, the diseases would sweep across the continent.
In some areas, as much as 95% of the population would die from disease. The survivors would then go through a civil war because the old leaders were gone. Then, the Christian conquistadors would show up and take over. Their treatment of the natives was generally terrible, but most of the deaths really happened long before they got there.
Other than that, Christianity has been very similar to Islam. It might have a lead on total deaths simply because it is an older religion, but there is simply no way that its lead would be great enough to surpass Islam and all other religions combined.
Look at Islam. It’s history is as violent as Christianity, maybe more so. Any religious leaders who seek power are going to be violent. That’s just the way of things. But Jesus of Nazareth was not a violent person. In fact, he died from others’ violence against him. If you look at people like Saint Francis of Assissi or Gandhi or Tolstoy who were deeply influenced by Jesus of Nazareth, you will see people who took His message very seriously. Or the Quakers. If you think Christianity is violent, maybe you should look at the Romans and how merciless they were. Or the Japanese treatment of China in World War II. Or the Aztecs practices of human sacrifice. All this is to say that no religion or philosophy has a monopoly on violence. It seems to be human nature.
Actually, atheism and humanism have caused the most death and destruction. Have you forgotten the 6 million Jews and Christians killed by Adolph Hitler, who followed the writings of Nietsche? How about Mao Tse Tung, Po pot, Stalin- These murders killed millions of Christians and Jews and Muslims, because they did not believe in any God. They were trying to wipe out religion. I don’t know where people come up with these figures that Christians have killed all these people. The crusades, (which were led by non- Christians masquerading as Christians) certainly didn’t kill as many people as we saw slaughtered in the last century by atheist butchers.
Has Christianity really caused this or is sin the culprit?
Do you know just how many early Christians were martyred by the then RCC? ..and in 313 A.D Constantine signed the Edict of Milan making them now apparently ‘Christian’? Is is not ironic that since then this wolf in sheep’s clothing (so called Christians) went on a rampage causing destruction from that time on. So now people look on Christians and say how they caused all this mayhem.
These are the true facts.
I really don’t know where you will find information relating to this, but when you do keep this in mind.
Well, about 13,000,000 people were killed in the first World War mostly by people of so-called “Christian” countries. The Encyclopedia Americana (1941 edition), said: “The world could not avoid war as long as it remained on the level of warfare. Ours was not a Christian world. And while the national pulpits preached Christianity [of their own brand], nations eyed each other, ready for blood.”
Let’s just say this. “Christianity” (and I put it in quotes for a reason) has failed to keep people from killing one another. And in the last century that became painfully obvious as the world became embroiled in two world wars that took the lives of tens of millions of people. If “Christianity” would have taught its adherents to love one another, this would have never happened. Jesus said at John 13:35, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” So, I ask you, is “Christianity” really following the Christ?
Not even close. Take a look at what the Mongols did or try the Huns, the Romans wiped out all kinds of people before they became a Christianized state, the Persians killed and enslaved millions, as did the Macedonians. The Russians, Chinese, Japanese and Indians have all wiped out a large segment of the earth’s population over time.
you are correct Christianity through the roman empire has cause more death and destruction there are archaeological
biblical research you can search your self
here’s a list to start this will help you there are other means of research you can look up at just about any university’s religious archives (archaeological biblical artifacts)
NO! You judge Christianity by goats and wolves
That is why there will be a JUDGMENT day
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
No not Christianity but Men themselves killing their own kind . Yes including religious people called Christianity.
There was a time when God did sent or rather allows the death angels to visit Pharaoh and his people for resisting to let God’s people go and a few other occasions recorded in the O.T. and N.T. Do you remember them?