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First, THERE A FEW ERRORS IN REGARDS TO THE VIDEO AND THE THEORY OF PAGANISM IN RELIGIONS SUCH AS ISLAM: 1. Prophet Mohammed was not born on Dec. 25 nor any of the pagan traditions associated with him. 2. Krishna birthdate is contested Horus never: 1. Raised the dead (it was Isis and Toth who raised her husband Osiris from the dead). 2. Cure the blind (it was him who was cured by Toth) 3. Made a bird out of clay 4. Cured lepers (not as far as I have read). So none of the Miracles of Jesus pbuh as mentioned in the Quran is shared with these pagan gods. This video describes a number of “SUN” gods in history (some before and some after the Jesus pbuh in Christianity). The video does a great job of showing how Christianity has evolved into a pagan like worship by incorporating Pagan rituals and beliefs The Pagan Moon God myth about Allah has been refuted: 1. 2. 3. “Allah” was the name of god in the Aramaic Bible (the language Jesus pbuh would have spoken): Even today Arab Christians refer to god as ALLAH. The original Lie was told by “Dr.” Robert Morrey who himself forged his doctorate degree: I have wayyyy more, please do not use the old “Muslims worship a moon god” story with me. This has nothing to do with: terrorism, Al, sin, Mary pbuh, Pedophile, myth, Israel, US, United States, Europe This has to do with: Allah, saviour, divinity, Quran, Bible, NT, OT, New Testament

25 Responses to Christianity is Pagan

  • servicetradescom says:

    @ned262626 guh!? I don’t get you’re point … ah but then again, WHO cares?

  • ned262626 says:

    @servicetradescom no graven images? are you ignoring the fact that christ made the law go away?

  • ashish2talk says:

    @Jyotinanda108- well yes u are kindda right..because the kali yuga started after lord krishna left somewhere and that is around 3102 BC so lord krishna must have born somewhere before 3000 BC yeah..
    for your further info,, Lord Krishna told Ganga that after 5000 years of beginning of kali yuga, the golden years will begin and last for around 10,000 years.. and then Lord shiva will destroy everything,,, so that Lord Brahma can create everything as a new and pure beginning as sati yuga once again

  • starrychica82 says:

    Chirstanity is only a religion because it had so many different myths and gods to borrow from. This is why I cannot place faith in a chrstian god or there religion. They have taken from the storys of others and not given credit. They demonize that which is different in order to futher justify their own religion.

  • AnaFemeel says:

    15. Jesus said to them: And you say who I am?
    16. Simon Peter answered, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God!
    17. Jesus said to him: Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, because it was not flesh and blood that revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven.

    “I know that will come the Messiah, called Christ: when he comes, we will announce everything. Jesus said to him: I am I talking to you” (4:25-26).

  • CaponeThedone says:

    @mashka Im not a religious person but I do know a “Creator” exist. Simple yes or no question reguarding the “geneology” of Jesus, who is called Christ. . . .Is Joseph at the bottom of the “family tree”?(Mathew Ch. 1) Yes or No? . . .1(love)am but a messenger who would like to see where your mind lies. . .you seem to be wise thus far. . .

  • ncPsychosis says:

    @mashkaa, one more thing….the whole “Satanist” thing doesn’t work with an atheist…we aren’t convinced that an invisible demon rebell is “confusing” people in this world..thats BS…but upon further investigation, I found that this video does not have satisfactory evidence, and so I reject it’s claims.

  • ncPsychosis says:

    @mashkaa, lastly, I’ll let you know what I believe in. I use to believe in God and the Bible and Jesus….now I believe in what I can see, or the effects can be seen. Things that have tangible evidence. Invisible gods in the sky that only speak to you in your own mind isn’t convincing. Jesus, who has vague evidence of his existence, yet no evidence of his divine origins….not convincing. That’s all I have to say…

    believe whatever you want.
    and I will too.

  • ncPsychosis says:

    @mashkaa, especially when it’s illogical and baseless. I really don’t care to convince you, I am aware that theist are resistant to facts…immune to reason and reality. My problem with Xianity is that it’s trying to control the US government to bring Christian laws to it. Zombie God = a god that raises from the dead = zombie. “something from nothing”…an old argument that scientist do not assert..only scientifically illiterate Christians do.

  • ncPsychosis says:

    @mashkaa, The punchline is I use to be like you for over 15 years, a Christ-follower. Then I realized the truth, God cannot be proven. You might want to look into the crusades and inquisitions, then you won’t be so harsh on Islam. The truth is, I don’t need zeitgeist to tell me that the bible is BS. I know that it is, and I know that having a Holy Ghost inside you doesn’t bring the text of the bible to a whole new light. Reading it, it’s pretty clear cut that it’s made up, especially when

  • mashkaa says:


    if you didnt know peter joseph’s zeitgeist is NWO funded… and all the buddies who support it are new agers, free masons and satanists..

    you have no idea really whats going on in this world… if you did then you would have a different view.

    funny because i used to be just like you.

    May God lead you to the truth.

  • mashkaa says:


    what exactly is your problem with Christianity? did Jesus do something to you? or did he only minister love, including loving your enemies…

    ask yourself why so many christians have been slaughtered in the past and continue to be slaughtered or why you cant be a Christian in many islamic countries… or why Jesus is hated.

    you really have no reason to hate Jesus.. and the fact that you believe in ZEITGESIT… makes you pretty gullible.

  • mashkaa says:


    Christianity the most stupid religion? for one thing, a true Christian believes Christianity to be the way of life not a religion. Zombie Gods? Show me where in the bible.. Snakes, magical fruit… if you really studied the Bible you would understand that this has a much more significant meaning to it than it actually means… the Bible was not written in English, it was written in Hebrew & old Greek.

    Let me ask you what you believe in? The big bang & that we came from nothing?

  • ncPsychosis says:

    @mashkaa, jesus died for your sins? LOL…for 2 – 3 days? wow, what a sacrifice! Actually, there is no evidence that Jesus was the son of God. Your own claims are ridiculous in that you think Christianity requires anything special other than “confessing Jesus as your savior” or whatever bullshit you have to say. Christianity is the most stupid religion, talking snakes, magical fruit, zombie Gods, yup..pretty damn stupid.

  • spartizzle says:

    @DraculHemming So if Jesus was born in the time of March that would mean he would be born at the Spring Equinox like the video said the time where the days become longer because the sun is out longer.

  • SuperWhiteFrog says:

    Please go Bother Muslims and Jews! In regards to the Messiah, how can an all perfect Diety creat something so imperfect he has to kill it? What an all knowing being that is.

  • qaplatlhinganmaH says:

    watch google video:
    Thomas McEvilley?? on? ‘The Shape of Ancient Thought’?

    check out youtube vid:
    Burke? Lecture: Buddhism in a Global? Age of?? Technology

  • Bdthe1st says:

    @mashkaa So they give you a vast amount of truths, with only a dose of lies….. of course the lies were in regards to the Messiah. This is of course, what Satan has been trying to cover up all along (the messiah). Zeitgeist is giving you a large % of truth, with a small % of deception. But like rat poison, with just the right amount of Good, it only takes a dose of the bad, to kill the rat. Don’t be killed my brothers

  • DraculHemming says:

    @ilovetheworldalot1 Not only does the Bible not say he was born on Dec25, there is actually proof found in the Bible stating that he was born around the times of March instead. The only reason they made it the 25 of DEC is to match the Pagan Holiday to a degree, the one in question being Yule, where from that day, light slowly increased day by day. The even incorporated Pagan traditions (tree-decorating) to try to get others to come to Christianity more easily.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @Bdthe1st Revelation coming from a madeup being Christians made up to control others with fear?

  • sunamuyolody says:

    I? correct you. Buddha, Siddharta was born from Queen Maya. She is not Virgin, she have a husband, the king. So buddha ( Siddharta ) didnt imitating anyone.

  • tikletik says:

    where did you get this video?

  • ilovetheworldalot1 says:

    @mashkaa If it doesn’t say that Jesus was born on 25 December, then why do most Christians, even non-Catholics, celebrate Christmas. It is a Pagan celebration and it is no coincidence that Santa is an anagram of Satan.

  • ilovetheworldalot1 says:

    @mashkaa How can you believe that a human gave birth to God? And if Jesus really is God, then how could he die? God is supposed to be immortal. Therefore, either Jesus is not dead or Jesus is not God. The trinity makes absolutely no sence: how can Jesus be both God and the Son of God? How does that work out? If Jesus really did die, it wasn’t for my sins because I was not even born then and I don’t sin.

  • mashkaa says:


    horus btw can be seen everywhere today. in fact horus is believed to the be devil.
    look at aleistar crowley…

    just some claim by some NWO quack.

    how can zeitgesit be the truth when it won an award?
    strategy was give 2 truths & 1 lie, people will believe it all.

    nowhere in the bible does it say that Jesus was born in Dec. nowhere.

    do research please

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