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Connecting religious beliefs rituals to the ingestion of Mind altering substances in nature & that accepting Christians beliefs as reality today is sign of a DANGEROUS neurological disorder mimicking schizophrenia

10 Responses to Christianity, Mind Altering Drugs & The Penis God

  • EdM021 says:

    @calpurnpiso You’re most welcome.

    Yesterday I came across some more info on St Andrew at newadvent (dot) org what I found confirmed what I suspected: he really did fall in love with his torture-execution device: an X with a penis. He even stripped himself naked while “looking earnestly upon the cross,” a sure sign he was getting ready for sacred sadomasochistic homosexuality!

  • lipoicacid says:

    @Domzdream What’s going on Dom??? Things are good here.I’ve been keeping the Christians and Muslims honest ya know??? LOL =D

  • Domzdream says:


    Hi, Lipoicacid. Been a while. I hope you’ve been well.

  • Domzdream says:

    I love your vids. Well done, Cal.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Gratias tibi ago amico meus. Cum aestimatio. Calp

  • lipoicacid says:

    That breastplate had twelve stones of different colors.I wonder what it means Cal. Hahaha.Thanks for providing a great video tonight.

  • EdM021 says:

    (cont) Sciris enim a Crdentibus, quanta in te gaudia habebas, quanta munera praeparata.

    In English: O saving cross, who was dedicated by the body of Christ, and adorned with pearls by his members. In time of old ascended the Lord, holding terrstrial fear, the true extent of the love of the Heavens he obtained, a previous vow undergone. You know in fact all the way from [my receiving the] faith, how much gladness I have in you, how much of a gift you have prepared for me.

  • EdM021 says:

    Tociph, when the theotards stop taking drugs they turn to other methods to see God. One of these methods was sadomasochism! This is what St Andrew said when he saw his execution-torture device (and yes, it had a penis):

    Salve crux, quae in corpore Christi dedicata es, et ex membrorium eius margaritis ornata. Antequam ascenderet Dominus, timorem terrenum habuisti, modo vero amorem coelestem obtines, pro voto susciperis.

  • calpurnpiso says:

    Exactly..Imagine KKK Christians, Fundamentalist Baptists, Islamic nuts all taking drugs to see god in their rituals?..then getting together afterwards?

    They all would be so mellow comparing the teachings of a disembodied orgasmic giving deity while saying: Let’s party…

    Yup all of them would get along like in the vast Roman Empire where MANY gods were revered.

  • tociph says:

    Some of the best songs came from taking drugs and so did religion unfortunately just like when musicians don’t take drugs their song sucks in the same way when religious theotards stop taking drugs they also lose the religion

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