Question by Lady Morgana: Christians and Pagans: May I wish you a lovely holiday season, in the spirit, with this song?
Many of you know this song well, The Christians and the Pagans. Would you like to attend such a dinner as the one described in the song?
Best answer:
Answer by Trish JPA and Jewish Pastafarian
It’s a shame that more people can’t see that when it all gets boiled down, our similarities are far more important than our differences.
Oh well. I keep hoping.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Why Miss Morgana, don’t believe I’ve seen you around here in ages!!! How the hell are ya?? I wish you a wonderful holiday season as well
(Not Christian or Pagan but I still want ya to haz a happy holidayz)
Maybe… until you read the comments left about it on the page.
Hope you have a good season anyway.
I have not had the pleasure of this song before, nor can I listen to it now due to limitations with my sound and other people in the house trying to sleep. Still, I’m sure it was a very nice gesture
Yuletide blessings to you too.
Hey, you!
I’d love to have one holiday dinner where I could actually have my entire family know I’m Pagan and not harass me for it. *sigh* Instead I deal with the few who know thinking I’m weird, and the others blissfully ignorant that other people with different beliefs exist! LOL
But yeah it’s a great song… maybe someday tolerance will grow enough that I can trust my own family to accept me as I am.
Thank you for sharing what a wonderful thought and song. Every year, my family comes together and it is a gathering of Pagans and Christians. We are able, at least one day a year, to look past our differences and just love each other.
I hope you find the answer you seek and peace in your heart.
Blessed Be