Question by Soraya: Christians, are Pagans bad?
First off, have you seen how the media and Hollywood depicts Pagans? And I know a bunch of you Christians who read that will think “who cares? Pagans are Satanists anyway.” For one thing, a Satanist is not Pagan and a Pagan does not worship Satan nor do they believe in Satan. Calling a Pagan a Satanist is like saying an Atheist worships God. Just not possible to worship something you don’t believe in. Its ignorance. For those of you who don’t know, I myself am Pagan and feel that if I can educate as many Christians who do not know, it will quell the Pagan-Christian “war” that sometimes goes on when a Pagan wears their pentacle on the street and meets a hardcore Christian (as I call them).
Pagans are not evil in any way. They laugh, they dance, they have families, they cry, they bleed if you cut them, they have jobs… they’re all around you. Our only desire is to be treated as a human and for you to treat us as a human. Don’t come at us with bible verses. I was raised Christian before I converted to a happier faith (in my own opinion. Some of you may be happy in yours. That is your choice) and I know that the bible is not meant to be used as a weapon against others. Its a teaching tool. So when you hold up signs saying a bible verse or recite one to another person, do you really think that a God who supposedly loves all his children regardless would really want them fighting merely because one child worships a different way than the usual Christian? Pagans worship a Goddess and a God. Normally as two halves to a whole. Isn’t that what marriage states? A man and woman join together in “holy matrimony” to become one being and work together as one being with love and devotion for each other. So how could something like that be evil and Satanic? If you look at the Nazi symbol, it is the reverse to a symbol that stands for love, peace and tranquility (I believe it is a Buddhist symbol). And our pentacle stands for the five elements: Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Spirit. It is a symbol of our Goddess. And like the Nazis did, Satanists took that symbol and turned it upside down. They reversed it. I have met some Satanists, and they do not worship Satan either. From what I was told, they worship the darkness within themselves which may be where the idea of them worshiping Satan came from. I am not Satanist, so I may be wrong on that aspect. But regardless, a Pagan is not someone to be feared. Christians, your own religion is based on the path your ancestors from Europe followed. Just as I do. Christmas was created to be like Yule. If you look in the unchanged scriptures (which Jehovah’s Witnesses say they hold translated into English though not completely well but as well as you can from Hebrew to English) it even states it. You can look at the Pagan practices for Yule. Pagans decorate living trees uncut from the Earth and place decorations on it, usually something helpful like pine cones smothered in peanut butter and sprinkled with seeds for birds. Spring Equinox is Easter, and Samhain is Halloween. Even the cross is the Pagan symbol for fertility. The reason for this is because back in the day, Celtic Pagans were very difficult to convert and so the Christians who were there with that purpose decided to reach a mutual agreement. They changed up the practices slightly so Pagans would have an easier time converting. They would still be doing their worshiping holidays while under a different religion. And as a lot of you should know, Paganism is older than Christianity so you can’t claim that Pagans took it from Christianity. And those who bring up Gardner bringing it here in the 1950s, that is true. But it is true ONLY for Wicca. Paganism is an older practice following the older rituals which survived after the Burning Times. Examples being Celtic, Greek, Norse, etc. Wicca takes those practices and mixes them up. Wicca and Paganism are not the same, though the practices are similar. And we both use “magic” though those who practice can choose not to use magic. We are a positive, enlightening people. Even the word witchcraft is derived from an old Norse word meaning “path of the wise”. Back in the day, a “witch” was needed in every village because her knowledge on herbs for healing was the modern medicine of that time. So please, when you see a Pagan next time… leave them alone. Or if you can manage, smile at them because their faith is the faith your ancestors practiced. We only have one desire from those of other paths: to not have your belief pressed onto us as we don’t press ours onto you. Thank you, and I hope those of you who read this found it enlightening.
Oh yea, I forgot. People are lazy and don’t like to read… =_=
Greenshittalker, I would love to know your sources. And two, you’re wrong. Oops, I forgot. People like you don’t like to look beyond what the church tells you. By the way, I already heard all the BS about sacrifice and knew the Celts did human sacrifice and the reasons for it. Thus the reason for religious evolution. DUH. Wow, you’re an ignorant prick huh?
Best answer:
Answer by Pokie™
why would you think that anyone would even bother reading all of this? keep it short and sweet.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
so short answer is No they are not bad
REjection of the trinity wont pay off…THIS IS WAY TOO LONG..
Paganism is untrue.
The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus loves you so very much!
We’re all sinners. Only JESUS is acceptable PAYMENT for our sins. All the good deeds in the world won’t pay for even ONE of our sins. All the “living a moral life” won’t pay for even one of our sins.
Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead. That is why Jesus had to die on the cross, because there is no other way for us to be saved. You must believe in Jesus alone for salvation, to be saved. That simple.
Either Jesus already paid for a person’s sins, or that person will pay for their sins in eternal torment in hell. That is the choice before everyone.
Salvation is a FREE GIFT that happens in a split second when you believe in Jesus alone to save you! It is impossible to lose or “leave” salvation (John 6:39-40, John 10:28, 1 John 5:13).
The truth about Jesus is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal hell, is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died on the cross for our sins as FULL PAYMENT for all our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you will be in heaven, no matter what!
Please pray now: “Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!” You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die!
if you’re a pagan, you’re very bad for running on with so much garbage
While I believe in loving everyone (Pagans included), I also believe that Paganism is false. The fact that something makes you feel good does not make it true.
The word Pagan comes from the early Christian Church when they were fighting for supremacy over all the other Hellenistic religions between 80 AD and about 500 AD.
It means the religion of peasants or villagers.
The word was used to make the religions they practiced sound rural, primitive and somewhat foolish compared to the religion that believes in The Holy Virgin Mother of God.
The Hellenistic religions of the first 3 centuries AD died slow and painful deaths, as did every one of their followers that the Christians of the time could catch.
Emperor Constantine and the popes who followed him made Hitler and the Nazis look gentle.
Christianity is a religion which is determined to achieve world domination and become a totalitarian regime again.
Until they achieve that every other faith will be regarded as competition and competition must be met with burning hatred and wiped out.
You will never ever have peace from the Christian religions.
I do applaud your attempt to achieve it though.
I definately found this enlightening, thanks alot! I new that paganism wasnt what hollywood and all that made it out to be, I just wasnt sure about details
I agree with you that paganism is misunderstood, and Yoda was definatly right when he said “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering”
I did read everything and I understand what you mean. I think it depends on the christians themselves. some think it is satanic and evil and some have no problem with pagans. Wicca is paganism. wicca is a branch of paganism. Not all pagans worship one god and one goddess.
Judging by your question, pagans are clearly very, very bad at history.
Samples: “Christmas was created to be like Yule” Nope. Christmas was started by Christians 400 years before they met anyone, like Norse people, who might perhaps have had something called Yule (though even that is doubtful).
“Spring Equinox is Easter” Nope. Easter is NEVER on the Equinox. It is derived from the JEWISH Passover. Please stop trying to write the Jews out of our history. They are far more significant to Christianity than any pagan.
And some pagans in the past were very bad indeed indulging, for instance, in infanticide (Romans and Greeks) or human sacrifice (Celts). That’s why they converted to Christianity so readily. Modern pagans wear special glasses to avoid seeing any of that stuff,
Oops. I forgot. People are lazy and don’t read beyond Google.
“they cry, they bleed if you cut them, they have jobs”
Dont tell christians we bleed you might give them ideas.