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Question by Amy27: Christians —Can you practice both Christianity and shamanism?
I am a Christian, but am curious about shamanism. My husband is also a Christian and has read many of the books by Tom Brown (the tracker, visionquest, etc) and has mentioned that these are great books and have had a huge impact in his life. I never really thought about it, until I decided to read one of these books and see what it’s all about. I only read a page or two and was very surprised at what I found and am now feeling a little disturbed by this. I had always thought that shamanism (or whatever Tom Brown is teaching?) was not compatible with Christianity. Any thoughts? If you are answering and aren’t christian, I would appreciate if you would indicate so in your answer so I can better understand the responses I get. Thanks!
I have some other related questions in “mythology” that explain what prompted this question….primarily visits from animals that seem strange to me. A crow last night (but also a hawk, mockingbirds chirping all night, and a black cat trying to get in my house). All within the last three months. My husband is silent as to what he thinks about this. I’m sure he thinks it will freak me out. However, if you have thoughts on these topics. Please also read my other questions. I’m confused and looking for answers. I’m sure my questions could be answered with prayer and seeking God’s wisdom, but I also would like to hear from people with experience with these topics. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by fireball226
no theyre different

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10 Responses to Christians —Can you practice both Christianity and shamanism?

  • trashy says:

    how many religions do we have now? which is the right one. sorry for the question and not an answer.

  • small group guy says:

    It’s definitely not “compatible” with Christianity. Do some research on what the belief system is and I’m confident that the answer will be pretty clear… Good luck!

  • RIF says:

    Can you grow figs on an olive tree?

  • Luci says:

    Shamanism is the oldest spirituality known throughout the history of mankind. Why would you want to taint it with Xian beliefs?

  • Kim says:

    I am Christian and I practice Shamanism to an extent. I finally came to terms with many of these so-called inconsistencies when I started educating myself on some things. I started reading historical, religious books and THAT’S what started to disturb ME. I learned that THE CHURCH that we know today and the BIBLE that we know today was changed so that the Powers during these times could control the people they ruled. They wanted the people to FEAR God. They also wanted there to be one way, and one way only to interpret the Bible, so they omitted all the texts and passages that didn’t further their own agenda of control over the people. I read Elaine Pagel’s book, “Beyond Belief.” I read the lost books of the Bible, the “Nag Hamadi” texts. What eye-opening books. Shamans, in a nutshell, are the Gnostics of old. Thank God they still survive. I thank God everyday that there are various ways and means for everyone to feel closer and connected to Him. Some of us do not resonate with the Church or the Bible. Some of us resonate with other resources that connect us with God. And I give thanks that these resources exist. While you may resonate with one resource that brings you closer to God, your husband may resonate with another. There is one God, but many ways to know Him. There is one God, with many names by which we know Him.

  • S H K says:

    People claim all sorts of powers when doing things such like healing and showing manifestation of the supernatural.
    In this realm there are only two powers at work, the Holy Spirit and the demonic. The question you have to answer is what power is at work through this person and that takes spiritual discernment – so seek spiritual discernment. S.H.K.

  • sudonym x says:

    The Orthodox Church didn’t try to wipe out other religions, so many pre-Christian beliefs and practises still exist in central and eastern Europe. No one I asked about there thought it was a problem to have 2 sets of religious beliefs and practises.

    “With God all things are possible.”

  • jasmin2236 says:

    No…It has to be one or the other.

  • charles kafka says:

    Shamanism, is a path, a journey. This class of people were originally the seers, (visionarys) of small tribes of american indians, aboriginies, mongolian herdsmen (where the word came from) , africian and amazonian indiginous peoples.
    Through out, all mankind, including the Jewish people, these people selected through natural gifts, callings, and training, guided their people into better grazing hunting, lands.
    Gods change from tribe to tribe. Though strangely, most of your teachings of “what god wants, is very very similiar throughout all peoples all times. Shamans have been able to balance, the gods will, with survival, practicallity.
    Yes the two are compatable. Just remember as a christian, you are instructed to put nothing above god. treat shamanism as a path, as a teaching tool, you are breaking no taboos. I would personally think getting into major banking, would be a contradiction to christianity, more than shamanism, but then again, it would all depend on your banking practices.

    hope this helped,
    charles kafka

  • infinite_gray says:

    The practice of Shamanism is ancient going back probably ten of thousands of years and I look at it as the root of all religion. Shamanism is not really a religion it is more of a spiritual practice. Shaman’s with the aid of their power animals and teachers safely travel between this world and the others to find information for themselves and others. Power animals are commonly connected with Shamanism however there are teachers as well. Teachers could be a deceased relative, friend or any divine being (God, Angels, Saints ect) The various Power animals and teachers are honored and thanked for their protection and their guidance.

    I am a Christian and I practice Shamanism and I do not see any real conflict between the two. Of course since I practice Shamanism I would naturally say that and if you are a devote Christian you would probably say that you cannot practice Shamanism and be a Christian. ^_^

    To me the practice is very personal. Each person has power animals and teachers of their own and develops their own relationship with them and it is common practice to keep these relationships secret. I honor and thank my Power Animals and Teachers for their aid and guidance I do not feel that I worshiped them. To give you an example of what I mean have you ever prayed to a Saint or to Mary? You are not worshiping them you are honoring them and asking for their guidance and aid. It is the same to me with Shamanism and I think of my power animals as guardian angles and I believe they have always been there for me but it took a while before I knew who they were. I believe that all power, all things come from one source, one supreme power, which is God.

    The important thing is to follow your heart and to do what feels right. You mentioned that you have prayed to God for guidance perhaps your prayer has already been answered? If you have time check out something I wrote it might help you further.

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