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Question by †Dark† †Passions†: Christians, do you pray that those old pagan fertility rites no longer work?
considering you just had your kids perform them, unwittingly surrendering themselves to those demonic powers? You do know that for every painted egg they find, they’re supposed to have one child in the upcoming year? That’s a lot of responsiblity for a five year old………

Best answer:

Answer by eaf
Sure it is.

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10 Responses to Christians, do you pray that those old pagan fertility rites no longer work?

  • frenzalpixie says:


  • Kadija S says:


  • 0330em/jd says:

    no,i pray to enlighten them and see the true.

  • Saint Lucifer says:

    lol, I know I laugh when I see the Little Christian kids picking up Easter eggs, lol. It is a Holiday of fertility and Rebirth and Spring.

    I mean come on rabbits and eggs really come from celebrating a Jewish man who received capital punishment?

  • Pastor Chad from says:

    Maybe you should check out my tribute to the Easter Bunny at the first link below. 🙂

  • gmcfayden says:

    I do not worry about them, myself, because I do not believe in them…… That Easter egg stuff, never held a yolk in my house…. But, if any want to believe it, who am I to stop them…. I can mention it and show the difference even show the paganistic qualities of the old ways….. but at the end of the day, I know I will wipe the dust from my sandals and return home……..

    your sister,

  • Punter says:

    The Pasters of high denomination of Christianity declared that there are 50,000 errors in Holy Bible. – 43k.

    Examples of Corruption in Bible

    Christians admitted perversion in bible

    Corrupted Scriptures in the New Living Translation
    WHOLE Bible verses deleted in the NIV

    Corruption and interpolation in bible exposed.

    16 Bishops of high rank removed the verse John 5:7 from Bible. Because this verse advocates the concept of trinity. They declared trinity a falsehood.

    There are more than 2,000 versions of bible in this world.

    Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    First Roman Catholic Bible was published at Rheims in 1582.
    Second one published at Douay in 1609.
    These called RCV version of Bible.
    The Protestants regarded 7 books as ‘apocrypha’ (doubtful authority) and removed them from Bible. (The Book of Judith, The Book of Tobias, The Book of Baruch, The Buck of Esther, etc.)
    Jesus pbuh said in the book of Revelation Chapter 22 Verse 18-19 “. . . If any man shall add to these things (or delete) God shall add unto him the plagues written in this Book.”
    On deleting 7 books from bible, the Catholics call ‘cult of Christianity’ to the Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  • joshuakane_uk says:

    The Christian right are intolerant of free thinkers. They feel they have little or nothing to learn from perspectives other than their own. They wish to raise their children in “closed” sometimes “Anglo only” environments, exposing them as little as possible to the “corrupting” influences of the outside world. Indeed, by isolating their children this way, they pass on their intolerance to their progeny. Music and art to the Christian right must conform to their biblical beliefs. For example, lyrics or art labeled “pornographic,” films and/or books that accept, not necessarily promote, homosexuality as an alternative life style are condemned as corrupting influences on youth. The Christian right, almost gratuitously makes homosexuality a rallying point, a way to raise “true believers” in thoughtless, easy condemnation. They readily claim that the country is run by homosexuals and blame them for numerous social ills. To many of the Christian right, AIDS represents God’s punishment of homosexuals.

    THEIR HATRED ONLY MEANS that they do not understand the true meanings of the bible that they are so fond of quoting and that THEIR attitude can only mean one thing. THAT according to their religion, their behaviour and hatred condemns them and that THEY WILL GO TO THE HELL THAT THEY WISH ON EVERYONE ELSE.

  • illyria6167 says:

    Lucky I am an only child with no kids. So no worries here. LOL


    That is exactly how I was raised. You described everything in detail that I was raised on in the Catholic church. I was very sheltered and was always told to stay with my kind of people, only Catholics and deny all the rest. I guess when I got free will that is what made one side disown me and the other side I had to flee from literally.

  • newdude96 says:


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