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Question by : Christians: Do you think it is a sin to celebrate Easter with colored eggs and the Easter Bunny?
Most of us realize by now that our traditional Easter celebrations are Pagan in origin. We may not know much about the religion itself, but we do have some sort of vague idea that our Easter eggs are somehow connected with an ancient goddess and some sort of spring fertility rite…most of us know at least that much.
So, is it a sin, then, to celebrate Easter with bunnies and eggs and chocolate, as we’ve been doing for generations?
What do you think?
How sad that so many people seem to think that, in order to honor Christ, they must deprive their children of any joy in the holidays!!
My family has always celebrated Christmas with Santa and toys…and Easter with the Easter Bunny and chocolate…and Halloween with spooky costumes and candy…
Our kids know that Christmas is about thanking God for the birth of Christ, and that Easter is the celebration of His Resurrection…and that Halloween is about kicking Satan in the teeth!!
We are serious about our faith…but see absolutely NO reason to deprive our kids of the joy of childhood.
We also enjoy Harry Potter and all the Disney movies…

May God bless each and every one of you!!

Best answer:

Answer by apologious
no, i did as a child. but it is important to understand it isn’t about bunnys or eggs, but the resurrection of the Son of God.

What do you think? Answer below!

21 Responses to Christians: Do you think it is a sin to celebrate Easter with colored eggs and the Easter Bunny?

  • BingoJoy says:

    i adore easter eggs and cute little bunnies.

  • MrNiceGuy says:

    We will all burn in hell for eternity because of our colored hard boiled eggs.

    Oh, the humanity……………..

  • Just Breathe says:

    No more of a sin than celebrating Christmas with a decorated tree and a fat man in a red suit…and giving each other gifts on someone else’s birthday.

  • amapete says:

    First do your Easter duty and go to mass then do a little celebrating that we have new live.

  • Opinionated says:

    No, but its stupid.

  • Kain says:

    Just as it isn’t a sin to celebrate Christmas with Santa clause and a bunch of elves, which is another holiday symbol that is entirely irrelevant to any Christian religion.

  • Choco's happy says:

    I don’t think it’s a sin to celebrate Easter that way, but I think it’s very important to remember the reason for Easter and to teach our children that. Same goes for Christmas. Nothing wrong with decorations and presents, but just remember what it’s all truly about.

  • katiefish says:

    No, but if you “believe in” the Easter Bunny, you will go straight to hell. LOL <><

  • Kevin S says:

    I don’t know why some people have to suck every little bit of fun out of holidays for kids. Let them have their easter bunny and their Santa Claus, it doesn’t last long anyway.

  • onefinefeller says:

    Yes. It is idolatry.

  • rukidding says:

    You may think that Easter comes from the Pagans, but the truth is that Easter began when Jesus, the Christ, rose from the dead of his own power three days after being killed. THAT’S where Easter comes from.

    No, I don’t think celebrating Easter with colored eggs and the Easter bunny is a sin any more than I think celebrating Christmas with Santa is a sin. Life demands a little magic.

    Why would it matter where it started from? Christianity originated in Judaism, so would it be a sin not to observe the high holy days? No, because although Christianity may have started there, it has evolved and changed into it’s own religion, having it’s own traditions.

    So, the Easter egg came from the Pagans. whoopdidoo! It is now a traditional part of the celebration of Easter and is no long Pagan, regardless of where it came from.

  • the Neutral Christ O-i-8- 1-2 says:

    Non a Christian, but know more about the “Easter” event.

    Actually it is only called Easter in Germanic and American tradition. Most other Western (Christian) nations call it the Resurrection.

    Also, the name Easter comes from the name of the whole MONTH of spring, not just one day.

    On the flip side, it does upset me a little that the Catholics started a tradition (NOT canon) that Mary Magdalen went to the first pope and changed a white egg to blood red as a miracle thus “starting” the decorated egg tradition.

  • adnohr says:

    Even Abraham left the tradition of his forfathers to live a life that entitled him to be called Gods’ friend If you know of the origin of these pagan rituals coloring them and making them look pretty is just how satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light to mislead many. You yourself said it spring fertility rites. Does God take pleasure in observing this? Or is Satan laughing and taunting Him because you do

  • KiraJenLove says:

    i feel like it is a sin, because I’m celebrating paganism, so I try to avoid it…the problem is, my mother-in-law is really into it, and she is always giving my daughter easter baskets and hiding eggs for her, so I feel like I have to go along with it, even though she knows I don’t like it.

  • gilliamichael says:

    If that is the sum total of your Easter celebration then while it may not be a sin, it certainly represents a lack of faith. You need to celebrate the reality of Easter, the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. If you choose to include your children in the popular culture that they live in then it is your choice to make. Remember that Jesus calls us to be set apart from this world but we still have to live in it. How to best answer His call in our society is a tough choice for each parent to make, actually several tough choices.

    Hope that helps.

  • paula r says:

    For me personally, yes.For others, no.I think we should all tell our children its not real @ the least.That its just a story like in a book.Same goes for Santa, etc.I celebrate Easter,Christmas,etc w/ family.But its for their sake.It keeps the peace.I’m really against the celebration of anything w/ pagan roots.We should focus on the birth/resurrection of christ w/o all the pagan ritual.

  • h'ayim tov Y'all says:

    those of The True Christian Faith do not “celibrate” Easter with eggs and bunnies… The time of Easter is not a “celibration” it is a time of rememberance and time to give thanks to God, and Christ Jesus, for the great gift they have given those of us of The Faith.

    unfortunately too many of The Faith fall into the worldly ways, that have been adopted by those not of The Faith, to take advantage of the day and turn it into a party time.

    btw… the “pagan” argument / smoke screen is nothing more than an attempt by the enemies of The Faith to weaken the influence of The Faith… they make the same claim about every “Christian” day or practice…. there is not a day of the year that is not dedicated to some “pagan” activity or an other… there are after all only 365 1/4 days a year… divided by all the “religions”…pagan or otherwise… they all overlap…

  • Magwawali says:

    I do not celebrate Easter or any other Holiday…I am a Christian Minister

  • meganc_hamptondlc says:

    If it was a sin to celebrate Easter with colored eggs and the Easter Bunny it would also be a sin to celebrate Christmas with Santa Clause.

  • Dee says:

    James 4:17
    Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

    Is it good to go to church? So if you don’t go, is it a sin?
    Is it good to teach the Truth about Jesus to our children? Then if we teach about bunnies and eggs and other pagan traditions, things that are not Truth, by reason of allowing it because it’s been done for so long, is it a sin according to scripture?

    1 Cr 6:20
    For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

    Glorify God with all your actions. Participating in a pagan activity and calling it good is not the Truth.

    Psalm 86:12
    I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.

    I too struggled with the worldly ‘easter’ celebrations when I first became a Christian.
    The message these verses gave me have applied in all areas of my life that were ‘gray’.
    If it doesn’t glorify Jesus and doesn’t honor what He did at the Cross, when He bled and died for our sins, then is it a good witness for a Christian family to practice it?

    Pray about it, ask God to reveal to you what He wants you to know.
    Remember, no worldly gift of candy, toys or ‘easter’ baskets can ever compare to the True meaning of Easter and the gift of Eternal Life that Jesus gave to all that accept it!
    Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and teach your children about the Greatest Gift of all!
    May God Bless Your Family beyond all imagination!

  • imacatholic2 says:

    Only if you forget the real reason Easter is celebrated.

    Rabbits and eggs are pagan fertility symbols of extreme antiquity.

    Birds lay eggs and rabbits give birth to large litters in the early spring these became symbols of the rising fertility of the earth during the spring season.

    Since Easter also occurs in the early spring, people brought the beloved pagan symbols into the Christian celebration of Easter.

    These pagan symbols have become part of the Christian tradition. They do not take anything away from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and they add to the celebration.

    Christianity has frequently absorbed the positive and neutral symbols of pagan religions while leaving the negative symbols behind, similar to Christmas trees and Halloween costumes.

    With love in Christ.

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