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Question by .: Christians receive their gift of eternal life upon death. How is this not a death fetish?
a: an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
A fetish can be non-material.

Best answer:

Answer by Shaman Val
Interesting, that’s why they call it a death cult I guess. Saving up all their living till after they have died. lolz 🙂

Practicing Shaman… quantum physics rocks

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

8 Responses to Christians receive their gift of eternal life upon death. How is this not a death fetish?

  • Agnostic Front says:

    Gotta love words spelled the same that have completely different meanings. Don’t get those 2 mixed up, o no.

  • St. Eian, prince of Catpictism. says:

    lol C, i love to have sex with people then kill them. lol.

    i think you are just stupid, this isn’t even a correctly put question.

  • David H says:

    Sorry, but Christians receive the gift of eternal life at the moment of their conversion, not at death. There goes your premise right out the window.

  • Little Moth says:

    I rather like the direction this is heading.

    Did you know I have a fetish for sexy bunny costumes?
    It’s like, the best thing ever.

  • sherry says:

    christians don’t have a death fetish, the have peace when they die, in knowing their salvation.

  • Al V says:

    Hey you guys should see this chick over at the group “freedom from thepottershouse” she claims to be a christian and yet goes to bar and gets drunk…LOL. What hypocrites as all they talk about is how bad the church they left was… so how does having your husband at home and going to the bar, getting drunk and picking up on other guys have anything to do with being a christian.

    I have hated that my whole live… people who bitch about others but yet can’t get their own life streight.

  • truth says:

    They can not accept the truth, so they will try to change the issue whenever they think that it can be done. What you brought up is about as big an illusion that one could possibly believe in, but then there are those that try to respond with “you receive eternal life at time of being born again or accepting Jesus”, either way one is just as moronic as the other. Do these believers really know what they read when they read their bible? Do they even have a clue that they are being used and have been fooled from the thought of making the Jesus story? That which they believe is nothing but a comic parody, but they could learn the truth by understand Rev. It does not take great mental ability to figure out that something is wrong, when Jesus is described in Rev as having hair white as snow and then thinking something is not right here! Yes the Rev writer is referring to Jesus but he is telling us who Jesus was, the persons who invented Jesus and played him and god in the NT. All NT writers were Royal Romans.

  • Massive Head Attack says:

    No, they receive it NOW.

    “And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus ”

    Your teaching is formally a heresy. You can defend it if you want but you certainly can not call it Christian. Do you have some kind of bad data fetish ? 🙂

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