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Question by Smiley: Christians: When can we get our Holiday Back that you Ripped–Yule and Easter?
This year, I put up my Yule Tree, for Yule Time Spirit. The Thor Lights are on the house, and we are back to the Happy Holidays. X-Max if you must, but all this Christian Plagiarism has to go.

If you Christians want to get around a Navitity Scene, which the Roman Catholic Church picked out to be December 25th, although the ones who know the history know J-Baby didn’t show up until the spring time, when yet again, the Easter Bunny would be robbed of that real meaning, and use it as a way to kill J-Man off.

It’s always funny how Christians park their observances right on top of the popular ones like Yule and Easter. Obviously to try to shake the then Pagans from their festivals and beliefs.

Now you silly Christians have to contend with Santa Claus, aka Odin who brings gifts, and Bunny that lays eggs as much I know yall would love to dispense with those old original traditions.

Time for Christians to go rip some other groups observance. Maybe yall should try Columbus Day, no one seems to celebrate that one anymore, and more native Americans and Mexicans would rather try to forget Columbus anyways for bringing in the smallpox to their ancestors.

So when do we get it all back. Do we really have to play a George W Bush country song backwards to manage this?

Best answer:

Answer by tebone0315
You celebrate your holiday your way and I will celebrate Christmas and Easter my way. OK

Add your own answer in the comments!

8 Responses to Christians: When can we get our Holiday Back that you Ripped–Yule and Easter?

  • mamaisaak4 says:

    “The earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof.” Christians are heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Actually, there is nothing you can do.

  • christianman says:

    you can have the days, youll never get the meanings

  • Whole Armor of God says:

    You don’t because you do not have a patent on holidays.
    The holidays you talk about are not copy righted and any one can celebrate as they wish.

    Any one can celebrate any holiday they choose and can choose what they want to celebrate.

    The whole world celebrates christmas and easter not just christians.

  • The Village Atheist! xD says:

    The holidays are definitely more fulfilling if you believe you’re pi***** Christians off somehow.

    It’s nice you found an extra gain for your celebration. I’m sure Christians are thrilled your world revolves around rejecting anything related to them.

    ’tis the season [for hatefulness], right Grinchy?

  • Johnny Y says:

    You know, I’m not sure how many Christians have Pagans as friends, but I have to say, I’m quite lucky. While I’ve never thought that Christmas was a religious holiday, I also didn’t know that Christians stole it from Pagans. It’s great to learn about cultures, especially when it comes to different religions.

    When I learned that it was stolen off of it, I learned to appreciate Paganism so much more than I already had. Just goes to show that the bases of Christianity lacks original creativity.

  • AuroraBee says:

    You sound like the bratty kid whose birthday is on Saturday who gets bent out of shape because the kid with the birthday on Tuesday is having his party on Saturday too.

    It’s a big day, you do your thing and I’ll do mine.

  • gras2unpc says:

    You can have ’em.
    I am a pretty conservative and orthodox protestant, but when a college educated girl I was dating complained that the world stole Reformation Day from us and turned it into a pagan Halloween, I just stared at her slack jawed. She really had no concept of All Saints Day, All Hallows Even, Druids, etc.

  • Sage says:

    It is nothing to do with either Christianity or Islam but it does have it’s origins in the midwinter festival and many other basically pagan rites but since much of it is a celebration of nature rather than religion everyone should be able to enjoy it and be happy together despite religion!!

    The ancient European pagans celebrated the midwinter festival and a number of other festivals long before Christianity ever existed!

    Babylonians celebrated the feast of the Son of Isis with gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift giving and the goddess of fertility, love, and war.

    The Romans held a festival on 25 December called “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, celebrating their own god Sol Invictas – PAGAN.

    The Persian god Mithras, the Syrian sun god Elah Gabal, the German Sol, the Greek Helios and the Mesopotamian Shamash. But also Saturnalia, honouring Saturn, the God of Agriculture. The law courts and schools were closed. No public business could be transacted an this is where the holidays originated – ALL PAGAN!!!

    Wax tapers were given by the more humble to their superiors. The origin of the Christmas candle – PAGAN!!

    In Rome groups of costumed went from house to house entertaining their people. And this was where the carolling Christmas tradition originated PAGAN!!

    Statues of the Mother and lover or Mother and son were paraded through the streets not only in Italy but also in Africa, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Bulgaria. Thus, the symbolism of the Heavenly Virgin and the infant child paraded on a yearly basis are not of Christian origin. They stem from the Mother-goddess religion, which is very ancient ENTIRELY PAGAN!!.

    Scandinavian countries celebrated Yule honouring Thor – PAGAN.

    In Germania (not Germany) they celebrated midwinter night followed by 12 wild nights of eating and drinking. The 12 days of Christmas PAGAN!!

    The church under Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25 in 350 AD in order to try to hijack the PAGAN festivals but it was largely ignored. Christians did not really celebrate Christmas until 378 but it was then dropped in 381 and not resurrected until 400.

    The Christmas tree stems from pagan tradition and ritual surrounding the Winter Solstice, which included the use of holly boughs ivy and other foliage as an adaptation of pagan tree worship. Holly and ivy represented male and female. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual – all PAGAN!!

    Santa Claus came from the Dutch “Sinterklaas” and was a tall figure riding a white horse through the air and usually accompanied by Black Peter, an elf who punished disobedient children. Also the origin of the reindeer, sleigh and the elves ALL PAGAN!!

    America actually banned Christmas several times and is the originator of the expression “Happy Holidays” which came about because of the pagan origins of Christmas to include all religions and traditions!!

    Easter is set by the first full moon after the vernal equinox. This is the one day in the year when day and night are roughly equal!

    It varies by more than a month over the years and so it simply cannot represent the date of anyone’s death!!!

    It is in fact a combination of several pagan festivals most notably the spring festival.

    The name Easter comes from “Eastre” an Anglo-Saxon pagan goddess. Also the Norse goddess,Ostara who took her name from the Teutonic lunar goddess Eostre

    Even the Chinese have the festival of Ching Ming where flowers and sweets are put on their ancestors graves!!

    The egg and the rabbit are symbols of springtime and rebirth along with the custom of giving flowers etc!!

    The Venerable Bede, an early Christian writer pointed out that the Christian church absorbed Pagan practices when it found the population unwilling to give up the festivals. Thus a lot of what Christians now see as Christians practices are in fact pagan!!!

    Chrsitans fail to see that they are fast turning their religion more pagan than the original pagan religions!!

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