Question by Ferengi of Doom: CHRISTIANS!!! why aren’t all of you pagans?
The Romans KILLED the son of your god, Jesus. Obviously the Roman gods are superior to the christian god. I mean your god couldn’t even take care of his son, lol. I suggest all of you christians repent your sinning ways by converting to Paganism before Zeus sends you all to Hades. I suggest you start by destroying your nearest church or converting it to a Pagan temple.
Valentina how do you know everyone is not going to Hades when they die? Lol, the Roman gods also work in “mysterious ways” they dont need people to worship them, they will just punish you for all eternity if you don’t.
I do because zeus told me.
so i admit that i cant prove that zeus told me, i guess you cant admit that god told you either. correct. and i assume you cant prove that god is real either. that means you are ignorant and backwards for believing in a non existent god. without a bit of evidence or circumstantial evidence.
change admit to prove
muahhahahahahahahah!!!!!!! zeus shall smite you non believers for your IGNORANT AND BACKWARD WAYS!!!!!
no we are not. i never said i believe in zeus or any god, you liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then tell me your reasoning for me being backwards and ignorant
i dont have to know you, i said you are ignorant because: (read a little further up) hence you are wrong again, and prove you are even more backwards. hahaha
u believe that god is real, and yet you cant prove him to exist. hence you are ignorant of the truth. I never said i believe in god, the burden does not lie no me to prove a god real or not real.
deconstructing (not a real word btw) my theory by “simply turning the tables around” goes both ways just like you said, hence you just just made your argument for Christianity weaker by proving the flaws in my argument. hence you have fallen prey to my “game” which was to compare paganism to Christianity. the flaws in my argument which is basically having blind faith is the basis of Christianity. you truly are a fool
idiot you said “our god” in your answer meaning that you believe in a god. stop trying to wiggle your way out of the pile of bull shit you have just dropped , and dont try to edit it either. so you are wrong hahahahahaha and i am right. like usual
okay i admit, reconstruct is a real word.
i meant deconstruct
again you try to deride me, but have no reason why except for the fact that i called you ignorant. but i gave a reason for that. hahaha so you are the real fool!!!!!!! now stop wasting my time because i feel compelled to refute your empty arguments every time you post them.
Best answer:
Answer by sQuirt
Hold up smart guy!!
The “christian God” as you say is the CREATOR of the world. Jesus could easily call on angels to bring Him down from the cross but he stayed up there for OUR sins! Yes, even yours.
So how about being grateful?
Give your answer to this question below!
PAGANS!!! Why aren’t you all christians?
No one worships the roman gods anymore, so obviously our god made it and yours didn’t, so I suggest you smarten up and stop wasting your time.
* I guess the argument goes both ways, huh? *
How do you?

God told me
Sure, you can prove whatever you want, just like I can prove that you are just as ignorant and backwards as you deem me to be.
Are we finished?
I never said you do either
Simple: for insulting someone you don’t even know because they happen to disagree with your argument. That’s backwards and ignorant. Hence…
You just proved my point, again: to you I am ignorant and backward for “believing in a non existent god without a bit of evidence or circumstantial evidence”, but my whole point was that I agree that there is no secure foundation for religious belief. There are a lot of arguments pro and con religion, and I happen to find yours childish and easy to deconstruct by simply turning the tables around, therefore I disagree with it. Many people base their religious beliefs on different experiences: upbringing, having experienced the “divine”, what have you. This experiences are of a different quality to sensory experience or intellectual discovery, but they are real to those that have them and therefore outside of the scope of your little game. You or I cannot prove that they have not had them.
You did not read or comprehend what I just wrote, otherwise you would not have thought that you response actually addresses my argument. It doesn’t, and by no means does it settle it to swing your way. I never said that *you* believe in god, or that *I* believe in God, I don’t need to in order to debunk your original statement by ways of a different perspective: It’s a pretty easy thing to do! So quit assuming that I did and using it as the foundation of your responses. If you want to prove that god is fake and doesn’t exist be my guest, but find an argument that is not as flimsy as the one you proposed in your original post. Having said that, I am done, this argument has exhausted its life-span by quite a bit.
Once again… *sigh*… I am not trying to prove the existence of god… But if I am a fool, pardon me, so are you. Bye.
Oh, and by the way:
Main Entry:
transitive verb
1 : to examine (as a work of literature) using the methods of deconstruction
2 : to take apart or examine in order to reveal the basis or composition of often with the intention of exposing biases, flaws, or inconsistencies
3 : to adapt or separate the elements of for use in an ironic or radically new way
4 : destroy, demolish
— de·con·struc·tive -tiv adjective
— de·con·struc·tor -t?r noun
Go ahead and argue with Merriam-Webster too.
Is this funny? Is this your call in life? To make fun of people who are humble enough to submit to God, doesn’t help your case. It proves to me that evil exists. If evil exists, then satan exists. If satan exists, than God exists. You are soooo cool, by the way.
Your “logic’ and powers of interpretation are truly….amusing.
Well done,
christianity is such crap.
They are so deluded they couldn’t find their own ass with both hands. They have done their share of murder, rape and torture of inocent people to, just like all the other religions in the name of their god.
And after their 2000 years of thievery you would think they would have the money to fix their own bloody roof.
Dude, she kicked your a$$! She’s right too come up wih a better argument ! Zeus…. Pluhaseeee…..
Indeed. Nothing happens but is the will of the gods.