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Question by The internet is serious business: Christians: Why do I feel peaceful when listening to Pagan/Wiccan music?
I saw a question earlier asked by a Christian directed towards atheists asking “Why do I feel peaceful when praying?” Well, if Wicca/Paganism has false teachings, why do I feel peaceful when listening to Wiccan/Pagan music? Why would your god allow me to feel so joyful when listening to “evil” music like that?
@ Sweet!: I’m referring to a different question.

Best answer:

Answer by Joe
Because it has basic melodies in soothing keys. Try Johannes Brahms, he’s good for that too.

What do you think? Answer below!

9 Responses to Christians: Why do I feel peaceful when listening to Pagan/Wiccan music?

  • Daniel John says:

    Like Manowar, or Amon Amarth?

  • ed f says:

    There is a certain amount of peace in the familiar, but feelings can be deceiving.

    Only what is from Jesus will last.

  • Sweet! says:

    lol Are you calling me out? And don’t lie that question was not directed towards Athiest. I guess that question really got to you huh? Thats good to know…

    Heres the question if anyone would like to review it…;_ylt=AmvPC6FaueP8N.6GOGfneAfty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100626041101AAVAryH

    EDIT: Here is the original question I copy/paste the wrong one at first.

  • Tim says:

    He is your GOD too. If you don’t accept him so be it.

  • Dgnostic says:

    Jesus never existed as taught. The Christ spirit is not driven by doctrine and dogma. Early Christianity was a form of Paganism that has been stripped of most all true teachings of the Christ Spirit. Your emotions are a response to the truth released by the sounds of earth and other ancient sounds. ENJOY!

  • Gwen says:

    Music “works” physiologically.

    Everything has a natural frequency, even your body and your individual organs. Certain notes, chords and keys stimulate certain parts of the brain, which in turn produces certain neurotransmitters, endorphins or receptor agonists/ antagonists.

    Just the music. Not the words, you understand.

    Music on its own has the power to stimulate and affect your mood, positively or negatively.

    Music with words of Christian praise and worship are VERY powerful.

  • johnno says:

    You can feel however you want… God does not have to account to you.

    The point is — if you feel “joyful” or “peaceful” when you are listening to
    Pagan/Wiccan music, what you refer to as “evil” music — it’s just a
    reflection of what’s in your own heart.

    You don’t have the Spirit of God in you, so the spirit of the one who hates
    God is what’s driving you. It’s really not that hard to work out, is it?

  • Pastors George and Sharon says:

    Feelings are real but they don’t always accurately reflect what’s going on. satan masquerades as an angel of light, and those that are connected to him through paganism or wicca can have that counterfeit peace.

  • MSB says:

    There are so many things that I have found in my life that Chistians say they have and proves theirs is the “right” religion.

    As a Wiccan I have found

    – A strong and meaningful relationship with the Higher Power

    – Peace when praying to Goddess– I can draw comfort, strength, wisdom, etc.

    – Harmony and balance in my life so that it is more calm, peaceful and productive

    – Joy in every day mundane things

    – happiness with my family in sharing our beliefs and ways

    – seeing evidence of the things I believe– confirming the things I believe in– whenever I look around, in all of nature, in others, in children, in the news– everywhere!

    – I have learned through the morals and philosophies of my faith and have improved myself significantly by following the wisdom and guidance in my religion’s teachings.

    – blessings abound in my life; there are hard times, too, but I get through them because of my faith, and I learn from them and my faith helps me move on, but it never overpowers the blessings.

    – spiritually uplifted, touched deep in the heart by all good and warm things, feeling in awe and amazed and inspired through my faith, during worship, just living in the world.

    Basically, if feeling all this lets you know that your religion is the “right” one… then I know for a fact that Wicca is the right religion.

    And if all this is just “deciet” then perhaps they are the ones being “decieved”…

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