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Christmas ? Elves Their Secret History & True Purpose Revealed!

Elves were originally seen to be the creation of Germanic paganism who thought them to be light creatures who lived in the heavens. Elves have been depicted as male or female, tiny or dwarf-like, youthful and immortal with magical powers. Later they were often referred to as living underground, in forests, springs and wells. Elves generally were magical beings who could control what people see as well as experience. Elves and fairies are also highly associated with the mushroom “Amanita Muscaria” also referred to as “magic mushrooms” not only in art but in Psychedelic experiences.

Elves already a tradition associated with story telling and magic, was by the mid-1800’s revealed by the Scandinavian’s that their true purpose was to help Father Christmas. The elves could be helpful however their mischievousness was still event in story telling. Tales suggested that how you were treated by the elves depended on whether the person was thought to be naughty or nice! Particularly in America the diminutive, green with pointy ears type are depicted as Santa’s helpers making toys in his workshop at the North Pole.

According to some legends and post-Christian folklore especially in Europe, elves are mischievous pranksters who make special appearances during the lead up to Christmas. For example “Albtraum” is a German word for nightmare which also means “elf dream”. Earlier the word meant “elf pressure” as it was believed that nightmares are a result of an elf sitting on the dreamer’s head! Elves also were believed to braid people’s hair while sleeping, make milk sour and run off with sausages. People of Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway believed that a bowl of

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