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includes songs of deep faith such as I Believe, Ave Maria,  and Bless This House.
  “I took time to carefully select songs that would be appropriate to the season and to the need for feelings that inspire and give deeper meaning to our lives.”  I find it is difficult to locate new music for vocalists today that evoke the same quality and feelings as those of the masters,. said  Pyatt.

 In this context, one of the delights included on the CD  is  composer Al Petrone’s  A Christmas Gift recorded  by  Julius La Rosa among others . Petrone’s  style fits in with the classic standards but with an unmistakable contemporary sound.  Pyatt performs each song with exquisite tone and nuance with a wide vocal range, and an artistic awareness for the lyrical message and distinct need required for the variety of songs selected. His artistic style and rich baritone voice has been described by audiences as unique and a distinctly different sound in the popular music scene but reminiscent of the panorama of great  vocalists that include the voices of Dick Haymes, Vic Damone,  and of course, Frank Sinatra. The music is arranged and produced by the talented musician Robin Foreman.

There is a trend today with interfaith couples sharing spirituuality as they blend their holiday traditions with family.I thought that such entities as the  Temple Ahavat Shalom in Palm Harbor,  Fla and the Unity Community Church in Dunedin, Fla along with others and a radio station in New York would be interested in playing this CD for one of their group events.  Now there may be reasons for the lack of interest, but they were not stated. They asked me to send copies of the CD, but when I sent them a press release describing the

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