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Christmas: The celebration of Jesus Or Satan?

Many people in the world celebrate christmas at or around December 25th as being the birth of Jesus Christ. However, how does Santa Claus, the christmas tree and gift giving fit into the celebration of Christmas? What is the true meaning of Christmas that many people celebrate? These answers and more will be exposed in this article.

Regardless of what date many people think of as being the birth of Jesus Christ, it really is not the reason why Christmas is celebrated. Nowhere in the bible will you find the exact date of Jesus birth or any references to it being celebrated because God did not want us to remember his birth and celebrate it but he wanted us to think about his death, resurrection, his future coming and the reason he was sent to earth. Jesus and his apostles never celebrated his birth anywhere in the bible and not even after his death was his birth celebrated by any of his apostles or believers. However, there are clues in the bible as to the approximate date of Jesus’ birth and with a little work it can be calculated. A whole book could be written about all the evil associated with Christmas so this one subject will not be discussed in much detail except to say that Jesus’ birthday is not on December 25th. However, regardless of when people claim Jesus birthday was, Jesus told us to remember him by the eating of the bread which signified his body and drinking the wine which signified his blood. This was to be celebrated as the remembrance of him and not by the celebrating of Christmas on December 25th! The Christmas holiday and the dates that have been chosen to represent Jesus birth is an abomination in God’s eyes and actually have pagan roots. Nobody who can do research can deny this. Therefore, all people

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