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People all over the world celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th. But why is the Nativity marked by gift giving, and was He really born on that day? And just where did the Christmas tree come from? Take an enchanting tour through the history of this beloved holiday and trace the origins of its enduring traditions. Journey back to the earliest celebrations when the infant religion embraced pagan solstice festivals like the Roman Saturnalia and turned them into a commemoration of Jesus’ birth. Learn how Prince Albert introduced the Christmas tree to the English-speaking world in 1841, and discover how British settlers in the New World transformed the patron saint of children into jolly old St. Nick. This documentary explores the origin of Christmas and how it came to be the way we know it today. The documentary also incites the thought as to how Christmas is on one hand a result of social, cultural, and political influences (hence somewhat obscuring the apparent purpose of the festival: Christ’s Mass), and on the other hand a influence over people’s lives (particularly consumerism).
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Christmas unWrapped- The History of Christmas [3/5]

  • BobbynEdward says:

    Santa Claus was a creation of Washington Irving in a book he wrote (I believe in 1797) making fun of the Dutch called The Knickerbocker Diaries. New York merchants INVENTED Santa Claus!

  • badboykillfreshout says:

    Santa is a

  • stormnigel says:

    lol so what !we know jesus was not born on christmas day, i don’t put up a christmas tree. It not anything new .Why don’t you try and prove historically jesus was not crucified and prove legally that Mohamed saw an angel??

  • PreacherTHC says:


  • heirofsalazar says:

    The Victorian Christians of England introduced male genital mutilation (‘circumcision’) in order to impede masturbation.

    This practice of genital mutilation spread to the other English-speaking ‘Christian’ countries (Australia, New Zealand, United States, and Canada).

    Unfortunately, more than a million newborn boys are still mutilated every year in the U.S.

    Fortunately, the practice is on the decline and has ceased pretty much everywhere outside of North America.

  • sheppaul says:

    agreed many pagans worship the earth and nature.what is so evil,most likely the only true gods

  • Matlike1 says:

    lol haha

  • foofwolf22 says:

    Really? I’m too busy being horrified by his teeth!!!!!!

  • Matlike1 says:

    you sound like you need to get laid.

  • Matlike1 says:

    I can hardly ever make out what that english guy with the green backround says, he just mumbles really fast.

  • TheFallchild336 says:

    Pagan/demon. These words seem to be put together far too often. I am not being stereotypical, but I have ran into so many malevolent Christians that know NOTHING about paganism and it’s meaning and what it truly represent. It is not “evil”. Dichotomus Pure Good (God) and Pure Evil (Satan) are Christian inventions. Please do some research and stop blindly following dogmas just because you were born into them. I guess all Jews think Christains are going to hell for worshiping Jesus? (idolatry)

  • mxstilgar says:

    Check the 3-part video
    “Pagan Holidays or God’s Holy Days”
    (You can search on youtube, or find it on my page under my “Favorites” )

  • mxstilgar says:

    I have news for everyone. Virtually ALL “holidays” are PAGAN.
    New Years (Roman Calendar) – Pagan drunken Revelry
    Valentine’s Day = Lupercal (big Roman Holiday where people swapped partners and orgied)
    Easter = Oestare (German), Isis (Egypt), Artemis (Greece), Ishtar (Babylon) – Fertility goddess symbolized by rabbits and eggs (pretty fertile choice, huh?)
    Halloween = Samhain (Celtic ‘lord of the dead’
    Christmas – “Saturnalia” and “In Sol Invictus”

  • wreathofpalmaria says:

    did you know that the term “kris kringle” is a corruption of the word “Christ- Kindel” which is german for christ child?

  • BosKrajina says:

    You whole concept of God and your faith is not from God, but invented and philosophized, no matter how hard you try to make it good – like the pagan origins of Christmas your concept of God is pagan, comparing God to His creation and making His creation to gods beside Him.

  • BosKrajina says:

    Where are you following Christ ? In eating pork ? In circumcizing? In prayer? In changing God’s laws making philosophy of your faith? Being “born-again” is a term describing exactly how not to follow Jesus, but your own ideas and actions. Here , give us some answers :

  • lovelymomof3 says:

    The world will always try to invent ways to prove that we do not need God because we can be good through our own ideas and our own actions. If we conform to the world we are at enmity with God. Just because people say we worship Christ means nothing unless they actually give up all they have and follow him. Many people say I love Jesus but they have not repented and been born again. They are not his. Do not follow after the rudiments and traditions of this world. Follow after Christ.

  • lovelymomof3 says:

    How does a man being visited by ghosts honor Christ as this holiday is said to be honoring. It is still pagan demon infested and will not change because of it’s origin. No matter how hard we try to make it good, it is not from God so it is not good.

  • LifesaGardenDigit1 says:

    Christmas IS a retail holiday.Christ was never “in” Christmas. 12/25 was a pagan holiday until early religious leaders/Roman officials changed it to “honor” Christ. Nowhere in the 4 Gospels does tell Christ followers to celebrate the birth of Christ/Christmas – Christ followers should focus on what Christ DIED for, spreading His word and reaching out to others -all year long! NOT fighting over parking spaces at the malls during the retail holiday season, all in the name of Christ

  • Baxary says:

    Amazing that some people are celebrating pagan traditions in 2009!

  • jhonene says:

    yea me too i agree

  • deoxyribonuclease says:

    You got 6 thumbs down for telling a skewed and grammatically flawed version of your personal truth. Many of us celebrate “Christmas” these days without actually identifying ourselves as Christians.

  • twinshine says:

    Um… Santa Clause wasn’t developed in America. There are numerous other ‘Santa Clause’ figures before the icon came to the US. For instance, the Dutch Sinterklaas (and Zwarte Piet as his ‘helper’), based on St. Nicholas from modern-day Turkey, and the German Odin based figure. So, not really developed in the US. But, Santa Clause was highly commercialized in the US, and the modern icon/image was developed here (i.e. fat, jolly, wears a lot of red).

  • carbin15 says:

    lol. I got 6 thumbs down for telling the truth. Go ahead celebrate the pagan holiday!!

  • Natiqt1 says:

    i agree with you.

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