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well-intentioned) approach you about your “role” in chronic illness. Most often, these same folks have no real idea what you experience inside; particularly if you don’t “look” sick or you experience symptoms that are even reasonably managed through medications.

Given such experiences, you have no need to fall into this deep hole even one more time! Instead, we each can learn new ways to respond: We each can become more “response-able“! You can readily learn to “walk down a different street”. . . particularly in your relation-with your symptom experiences! And when you do learn those new ways-of-being, your Self Healing transformation can be simply profound, remarkably relieving, and, most certainly, great fun!

So, whenever you are in such a feedback situation, remember you are NOT “responsible” for being ill, AND, yes, you can learn new response-able skills to apply when responding to your symptom experiences.  The former path is self-defeating:  The path of response-ability is an ever-evolving adventure in learning and applying new health and wellness SKILLS!

Skip the responsibility, and focus on your skilled response-abilities to symptoms.  This simple refocus alone can provide a powerful new foundation to launch your Self Healing journey.

I look forward to Coaching You WELL!


P.S. To discover why the “S” in Self is capitalized, see my previous article:  Empower Your Self to Heal Beyond Chronic Illness, Part 1: Who is the “self” in Self Healing?

P.S.S. To receive a Complementary Coaching Session (:45), please go to:

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