DOWNLOAD RINGTONES (FREE AFTER YOU SIGN UP) ” DOWNLOAD RINGTONE -? ” Ciara ft. Justin Timberlake – Love & Sex & Magic (Official Muisc Video)
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…Have fun So is my 14th video. And my 7th Buffy-video.^^ please rate & comment Watch my other videos
Video Rating: 4 / 5
my favourite one is the one in the house, what episode and series is that???
@Tammylicious Sorry but i don’t understnd you question – i mean i understand the words but…i can’t catch the meaning, you know
@countrymusik99 me too i loved him he always had my heart he still does but anyways what up
@deni4635 thank you i was wondering if you did severus and hermione
@Tammylicious Yeah – It’s from Dead things – season 6 episode 13
does anyone what episode it at 0:59
The show’s called “Buffy the vampire slayer” – those are scenes from season 6 – the other seasons aren’t like this
Oh Golly, I love the clip from the episode Smashed -.- <33
damn watching this made me horny hahaha
What this show called?
Ahhh…. I was always Team Spike. <3
I love them xD
@TimeToDiePoorMates Thank you. That shows all of season 1! I wish it would show all seasons though!
@ICrakMyselfUp type into google: “Buffy Sidereel” if you click the first option you should get a list of all the episodes frome every season and you can watch them on there
hope this helps 
love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spike is SEXY!!!!!
oh that was the season finale of season four where the first slayer got into giles’ buffy,willow and xander’s dreams and made them all creepy like
i’m positiv that the photo shoot was in giles dream idk why but it is
what episode is at 1:56
0:29…get me an extinguisher.
i love u diid a great job
this couple was always so sexy XD
@CaMiMyStErY The photo shoot. D:
do u mean when spike puts his wrist kinda around her neck or the photo shoot???
i’m not sure of the name of the episode but i know its in early season 5
ur right it is a dream its spike dream it was the first thing that made u know that he has a crush on her
it was that episode where amy made a love potion for xander so buffy did that for xander and they just added spike in the so it looks like she did that fro spike
@paigeandmicheleplus1 ..those scenes are in Out of mind..Season 5