Check out Ciara new video for her smash hit single Love Sex Magic featuring Justin Timberlake from her album Fantasy Ride, in stores May 5. The vid for the electrified dance track was directed by Diane Martel and Ciara.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Ciara & Justin Timberlake – Love, Sex Magic Official video.
hot absaluut hot
ciara so fine mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm
dayum Ciara is hot!
i love this song and this video except the part when they like wiggle thier leg fat at 2:03
she’s a great dancer! good song! Justin hott!
senza parole…… é sensualissimo questo video =)
i wouldn’t to be Jessica Biel watching this, but damn! Ciara!
Ur verry wrong :L this is a verry good dancing song becos of the steady beat
very great Ciara, beautifull clip video
ciara is sexy mm very nice oh and justin is hot too but ciara mmm
its the same all the way throigh : /
so boring not a good dancing song : (
okay ppl this song is call love SEX and magic ciara is supposed to act slutty
Justin Timberlake was apart of NSYNC, not the Backstreet Boys.
God Ciara is so beautiful
JT must had a boner in his pants if Ciara danced for him like that Djeez
This video blew me away!
I went straight to go buy the video on itunes.
It is R&B’s number 1 song this week.
she is getting more slutty. But i still like her, and the music she make.
i like da song n da video but ciara doin a little 2 much n dis video she need 2 tone it down dis dont seem like her
i think it is a little to dirty from what she usually dose in her videos
Yeh she sure is watch out BITCHES!
she is back it is about time!
damn Ciara damn damn
it is for sure BEST BEST
I luv tis video da song is awsome, the beat and the video has blown everythin… It looked like justin nd ciara realy enjoyed al does sexy moments 2gether