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Cicero Roman Jusfilosofia – A Study By Artur Victoria

The Roman state was the highest expression of social, political and legal history, which was no doubt a great contribution to the new philosophy of law. For the first time the world experienced a city-state with the attributes and qualities of the superpower, and the economic war. Rome founded or dominated North African cities to the remote British Isles. The Romans have experienced political and democratic activities and tyranny. Experienced the rise and chaos, and finally separates into two empires, as a last cry before total destruction.

Rome’s history is complex and can be divided into three periods:

1) The Age of Kings, which emphasizes the development of the Law of the Twelve Tables. This law was written in the bronze plaques and posted in the Forum of Rome, around 451 BC, with its positive law. It was a reaction to the nature of jus privatum exerted by pater (head of household).

2) The law has become public (jus publicum) and subjected to civil equality and the principle of not being able to claim ignorance of the law.

3) The First Triumvirate and the division of the Roman Empire (Rome and Byzantium).

It was the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) which gave the Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian, considered the first civil code of laws. She opened with her, a new philosophical line on the right: it was a manifestation of legal practice positive factor, which marked the beginning of a new phase: the ability of traders to use the law passed syllogistic reasoning, ie subsumption mental functioning of a fact to a positive law. Consequently, the codification of Roman law began in a court, an original form of syllogistic thinking (partly inherited from

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