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Cleansing Chakras: Start Cleansing Your Chakras in Nine Steps

Just as it is important to cleanse your physical body from time to time, it is also important to perform cleansing on the chakras as well. You can not see your chakras, however they are your energy centers are are just as much a part of your body as your lungs or colon is.

These are nine easy steps and are a great way to start cleansing the chakras.

1.) Start off by closing your eyes. Begin to focus on your breathing, Breath deeply through your nostrils, and then exhale through your mouth.

2.) Visualize a white light coming down from above and flowing through your body, sweeping away and cleansing yourself of all negativity. The negativity is drawn out from your body and moved away into the earth.

3.) Next visualize a red vortex of energy spinning slowly at the base of your spine. It is your Root Chakra connecting you to the earth. As it spins, it is cleansing you of all the impurities contained within you.

4.) Begin to visualize an orange vortex of energy now, located just below your navel. It is your Sacral chakra of sexuality. As it spins it cleanses you just like the others.

5.) Just below your rib cage, visualize a yellow vortex of energy which is your Solar Plexus Chakra. Watch it spin slowly and cleansing your body.

6.) In the center of your chest, a green vortex of energy appears. This is your Heart Chakra. Watch it spin and cleanse your body.

7.) A bright blue chakra appears next in your throat. Watch begin to spin slowly and cleanse you.

8.) A beautiful indigo chakra lastly appears at the middle of your forehead. This is your Third Eye Chakra. It spins and slowly cleanses your mind of any negative thoughts. You begin to

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