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Colon Cancer Symptoms Gas

All of the technological advances and capitalistic campaigns have created an alarming in rate of cancer based illnesses and the current method of treatment is capitalistic to say the least.

Before I explain how I cured a patient suffering from breast cancer I want to explain a little bit about the flaws in the ‘modern’ approach to healing a disease of this matter. I have no problem with surgery to remove the cancerous tumor or cells, though it is not necessary, there are very few healers with the capabilities to cure cancer with out and it is effective if the problem is caught early. I am not so agreeing with chemotherapy.
I believe it is in the basis that science has been separated from spirituality and completely discounting one very large aspect to the potential cured state of the patient. Now when you accept that the spirit and the will play a strong role in both the development and the cure, you open up much more potential to heal the patient.
Mind, Body and Spirit are all connected. When you become sick physically it will eventually enter your mental state. You will become sick or your sickness and pain.

Lung Cancer Secrets Revealed Click here

You will become depressed and tired yet probably sleepless and worried. If you do not heal yourself your karma will become affected creating cycles that will affect your spiritual state. The same transfer of sickness

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