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Comments on Black Magic and White Magic

                         Comments on Black Magic and White Magic

            The historical development made by the eminent scientist-philosopher, Jacob Bronowski, addresses, above all, this transition from hidden to the scientific method used in natural science. This occurred in the period from 1500 to 1700 with the masterly work of Francis Bacon, New Organum, and later with the Principia Mathematics, Isaac Newton. The Principia is the systematization of the whole work of Tycho Brahe (some say the greatest experimental physicist of all time) Copernicus and Galileo in which Newton established its postulates and his whole theory of the movement, is a monumental work in which experiments performed by their predecessors in the field of astronomy, the study of movements of rigid bodies, etc. serve as a background for the genius that taken in the process of creation, dispenses with those same tools that will serve as the basis for creative inspiration.
            So the magic that need to bend Nnature against it will left at least one more fertile field for the white magic which seems to be more in harmony with Nature and can use its laws without breaking them, in which case the man puts aside all the rhetoric of extravagant words aided by cabalistic rituals and immerse in the secrets of Nature, trying to understand a whole process that sometimes takes centuries to bear fruit. The reader is already familiar with our modern technology knows that there are less than one hundred years our ancestors had not the comfort that we now have, at least in material terms, imagine a leg amputation surgery or extraction of a tooth without anesthesia!
            Moreover, despite all the technological advances of this century, we still live with prophecies and esoteric practices that seek to condition the behavior of humanity to natural phenomena which apparently have no relation of cause and effect with the human being himself, the reader should be reminded that there are on the threshold of 2000, many sects predicted the end of the world based on forecasts of a medieval magician whose prophecies were interpreted by certain occult authors, or even that group of fanatics who committed mass suicide to catch a ride in the tail of comet; that within a territory of a powerful nation of today. These cases and others continue around the world, even independent of the cultural level of people who practice them.
           After all I believe that Newton should not have been practicing magic in order to extract the wonderful laws of Nature that he made; since antiquity was common the fascination of man for numerology and it did not escape the Greek philosophers, Pythagoras practiced numerology. In this sense I believe that perhaps Newton “was the last of the magicians.”
           Einstein, scientist and also philosopher, was a humanist of first line; currently it is difficult to find a scientist with the freedom of thought which characterized his contemporaries up the middle of twenty century. Good to see your opinion about the place the scientist occupies in society. For this, I will reproduce here some excerpts of the message that he directed in 1950 to the 43rd Congress of the Italian Society for the Advancement of Science.
            “…. What, then, the scientist position today as a member of society? Of course, he is proud of the work of all scientists who have contributed to radically change the economic life of men by almost complete elimination of muscular work. He suffers from the fact that the results of scientific studies have become a threat to humanity, for having fallen into the hands of the morally blind exponents of political power. He is aware that the technological methods that made possible her work led to a concentration of economic power and also political in the hands of small minorities that have come to completely dominate the lives of large masses of humanity, increasingly amorphous. And the worse: the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a few, become scientists  not only economically dependent, but also threatens his inner independence. The employment of methods of  psychological and intellectual influence prevents the development of independent personalities…”.
           “…. He also understands that mankind can only be saved if there is a supranational system, based on the law, to eliminate forever the methods of brute force. However, the scientist goes too unnoticed that he accepts slavery that imposes the State as an inevitable destiny. Enough to deteriorate himself to the point of contributing dutifully  to improve the means of total destruction of humanity …”.
              Comments on Black Magic and White Magic 2

                Undoubtedly, this message of Einstein locate well the scientist of today in more developed societies. What perhaps he did not know was the precarious situation of scientists in the so called emerging or underdeveloped countries, in which they are placed on a lower level that gives them no opportunity to develop their potential in view of the misery of people’s education and the  material indigence of Schools. Accordingly, bureaucrats-leaders and their puppets enjoy the rewards that the State allows, in which are embedded indirect benefits far above the meager wages of scientists that contribute without resist to the same gear that enslaves them. Moreover, the subservience of bureaucrats-chiefs of those countries to the genocide economic policy of the powerful nations adds more to the scientific and technological backwardness of themselves in a process almost completely annihilating and irreversible.
                   Finally, a few words about the black magic.

                  It is difficult to find someone who is strictly materialist or rationalist, sometimes it is the shame of being criticized or even a pose of snobbery. The practice of black magic is independent of culture or knowledge, as we have seen in advanced societies or apparent in the “high society”. It is not uncommon therefore to see the news of the media practice of magic with sacrifices of animals and even human beings despite all our scientific and technological advancement.
                   It is likely that such practices have originated in ancient times of need that the man had to protect themselves from natural cataclysms, invoking deities or even their dead. Then perhaps justified the offerings and sacrifices that were and should still serve to “please” these entities. Even today, we tremble before the forces of Nature. Just imagine how he felt primitive man before all this, so he was destitute of any rational explanation.
                    It seems that superstitions are also within this context. Many people do not like to see a shoe or a sandal upturned; gives the idea of death. Others only count money stripping the notes in his favor, it keeps the money to escape their hands. A black cat is a sign of bad foreboding. Nor is it good to pass under a ladder. All this without counting the numerology in which the numbers 7, 13 and others may get lucky or misfortune. And consulting the horoscope is mandatory before leaving home. They say that the great physicist Rutherford nailed a horseshoe on the door of his laboratory. Newton himself was devoted to these mysteries and numerology. So like I said, these beliefs are independent of each culture. And the more skeptical of people can have their fetishes well anchored  in the vaults of the mind, and unconsciously they can escape, betraying him by a gesture or just a word.
                   As for me, as I am not versed in these mysteries, and neither contempt them, I can only quote Shakespeare: “There are more things between heaven and earth than think our vain philosophy.”







Phisicist and writer.


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