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Join Ms. Roberta Weighill she talks with Ms. Corine Fairbanks of AIM SB about the commercialization of Native Spirituality, Senator Albert Hale’s proposal; SB1164 regarding the regulating of traditional Native American practices and the Hale Scouts Act currently being reviewed with the Senate under the bill of HR 310 which would provide for approximately 140 acres of public lands in the Ouachita National Forest in Oklahoma to the Indian Nations Council, Inc., of the Boy Scouts of America. Show in 3 parts (video reference in show is found here Also for more info on AIM SB –
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•There is a problem in the US with the label Hispanic. •The problem is people are redefining the term. The correct term for the label Hispanic; refers to those peoples of origin of Southern Europe. [Hispania] Here are some facts that can help you understand. ?Hispanic is a term that goes back to the time of Romans [The true Latinos]. ?Hispanic is someone of, from, or pertaining to the historical region of Hispania. ?Hispania is the name that Romans used to call the southern part of Europe, what is now “modern” Spain. ?From Hispania you get España. ?The Romans used the term Hispanus in Latin to refer those from Hispania (Spain) ?Hispanus is Latin for the Castilian (Spanish) word Hispano. In todays days now the term has changed and people are misusing this label, specially the US Who considers “Hispanic ” anyone who lives in the United States of “Latin America” Origin and can be of any Race, Black/African descent, White/Caucasian, Asian and/or Amerindian/Native American. The term of Hispanic in the United States is obviously wrong and Idiotic.

25 Responses to Commercialization of Native Spirituality part 2 of 3

  • toned213 says:

    @BarcelonaArmada But they looked very similar wouldnt you call that “race”.They had different cultures but they were the same people.Europeans have different cultures,languages and religions.There is an indian race .There are four races and native american is one one of them . Come on man!!!

  • toned213 says:

    @devote that has been “debunked” that theory is now refferd to as the elementary theory. Native americans are their own race>

  • KOYAINKA says:

    @DEMIURGO21 Latin? twe are not from europe latin

  • srikrishnajay says:


    ?LOL? Blood Quantum… the concept of White Face. — Right now Right now

  • Mr007jessejames says:

    Aztecas are no longer, just the name… there are 100s of tribes in mexico other then aztec or mayans… there was 7 tribes that came from the North America, the Aztecs being one of the last tribes to reach the valleys of Mexico…

  • lnwolf74 says:

    LOL George Lopez 55 % european 33 % native american. later later

  • GreenThumbMomma says:

    i’m half lakota and half white (dad was lakota, mom is white), everyone always thinks i’m “hispanic”….i’ve never been offended by people thinking i’m mexican, because to me they ARE indians, as they are native peoples ~ and i find they share many similarities in looks, except for maybe they are shorter in stature (i’m 5’9 and the SHORTEST woman in my whole family!) i never really knew my father well, so i have no cultural link to him other than my looks

  • ARN3834 says:

    wow are right on everything…. ever since i was younger and though i was the only girl who think this stuff i awlayss think of this stuff and even write it down on everything i learn in our country (Mexico) and in the U.S. … even in the U.S. History it have prooofff that hipsani are spain and latin were roman or it’s still called today.. i always would get confused but now i belive it trueee thankzzz for doing this it would help more other peoples to understand =] mmuuahzzz

  • DEMIURGO21 says:

    Native latin american pride!!!!!

  • marobra00 says:

    hispanics are not spanis they only speak spanish but really they are mayans and aztecs and Inca just because spain and portugal coloniezed their does not mean they are from them, same with france and west africa they only speak french, same with arabia and north africa, north africans and sudan and somalia are either negroes or berber or egyptians in race. all theses were forced to speak invaders language. it is sade though egyptian and mayan tanguages and many others in africa are now dead.

  • tdavid858 says:

    most hispanics are mixed, and george lopez is more white then indian look it up

  • devote says:

    You can let the idea of tyranny own you or we can all live together to defeat it and not bitch about who owns this or i lived here first
    we’re all made of the same star stuff!

  • srikrishnajay says:


    ?Let me remind you that migration of the bering starit is ONLY a theory. There’s NO factual evidence that helps to establish the truth and back it up.

  • srikrishnajay says:


    You’re a right. The concept of Race is of man made, of European origin.

    But considering what you said European/Caucasians, Asians ad Africans aren’t races eaither. Among all those peoples, there are different languages, religions and cultures. Europeans don’t speak the same language, does that mean they are not the same people?

  • xotzinome says:

    George Lopez would probably laugh in your faces for being so ignorant. Racial classism is a form of genocide. It’s only purpose is to divide people

  • xotzinome says:

    @conorsoccr23 if you are of caucasian decent then you are an immigrant. The border between the “US” and Mexico is a line that decendants who crossed the ocean decided to create which does not make it real. Defending that line with militant forces does not make it real. You do not make it real just because you say that it is. If there was a wall there it would still not be real it would be man made. Mexican people are not immigrants now nor will they ever be just because you need to believe it

  • MrBigturds123 says:

    latinos are a diverse group of people Blacks, Native people, White, maybe Asian…

  • BarcelonaArmada says:

    I’m sure you are one of those outcast Mexican American wanting to bullshit everyone that there is such thing as an Indian race. You moron there was never an Indian race. People who inhabited the Americas before Europeans arrived were distinct groups, each one with their own languages, religions and cultures.

  • 98bigbutt says:

    What ever happen to just human beings?

  • rickyguerra4 says:

    I’m a white-hispanic and I love the hispanic culture so do I have to go back to Europe?

    I have very little Tigua Indian which is a U.S.-Mexico border Indian.

    I like where I live.

    I’m staying PUT!!!

  • devote says:

    (Native Americans)Their ancestors a long time ago came from Asia through the Alaskan land bridge, probably following herd migrations. There was no native Human species on the American continent until then. They were the first settlers

  • luciano9009 says:

    Like the video pointed out all of North and South American are native/indians.

    Hispanic is just a label to simplify a vast majority of people into one category; sounds kind of rascist to me.

    As time progresses it becomes harder to distinguish most of us in the U.S.
    So who is who is the question?

  • srikrishnajay says:


    No mexicans aren’t immigrants.

    Mexicans like other Native Indigenous groups are migrants. There is a difference.

    Peoples who are not of Indigenous background are the immigrants, get it right. We the so called “Indians” we were here before any European claim to “discover” us and thn stole everything they now posses.

    Learn the true History, not His-Story.

  • LudicrouslyLuis says:

    @srikrishnajay I am well aware of this sir.

  • srikrishnajay says:


    The term “Hispanic” has been change in the United States, but the correct term goes back to ancient Spain. During the Latin Emprire also known as the ROMAN empire they call spain ?HISPANIA?.

    •Hispania was a province of Rome, and the Romans would call ??Hispanicus?? to people who lived, belong or pertain to Hispania (modern spain).

    •According to ETYMOLOGY the word Hispanic derives from the LATIN word HISPANICUS. Please do a research and confirm this.

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