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treat problems with the female reproductive system. It can be used in magic to protect your home or family and is potent in love spells.

Black Nightshade: This herb is poisonous and should not be ingested. Keep away from skin, eyes and mouth and seek medical attention of there is contact. It is used in Samhain celebrations and to honor Hekate. It is potent when used in spells calling on the moon.

Blackthorn berries: This herb (berry, technically) works wonders in protection spells but its controlling powers can also be used to do harm upon others through control. It can be ingested, especially when used to infuse a drink, and is known to help with sleep troubles and inflammations.

Blue Mallow Flowers: This herb was used in Mayday celebrations. In magic, it can be used in love and water spells. Putting it under a pillow can help with dream work and since this doesn’t have a scent won’t bother you to have so close to your head.

Cardamom: This herb is considered an aphrodisiac and is therefore great to use in spells pertaining to love or sexuality. It can also be used in protection spells. Medicinally, it has been used to treat headaches, depression and improving digestion.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for magic, art, and Tantra. You can find the best marketplace for magic, art, and Tantra at these 3 sites for amulets, talismans and herbs, art, and Tantra.

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