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Common Misunderstanding about the Christian Faith – Is it alright to practice Yoga?

Common Misunderstanding about the Christian Faith – Is it alright to practice Yoga?

Written by Joseph Ho, July 30th, 2009

Here is a definition of Yoga from Jack Sin’s article about Yoga. I find it very precise and accurate so I have selected this for all to review. Yoga is from the Sankrit word Yug, meaning “union” (with the Divine, your higher “SELF”). Yoga is a path for transcending the ordinary mind (who you think you are) in order to merge with your “higher SELF” or “God SELF.” Yoga means “to yoke” — to yoke with Brahman (i.e., the “Infinite,” the “Universal Spirit,” the impersonal force that the Hindus call “God”) via the realization of an altered state of consciousness, thereby theoretically releasing oneself from the bondage of endless reincarnation. Yoga comes out of the Hindu Vedas. It can be traced back to Patanjali, who was a religious leader. Shiva, one of Hinduism’s three most powerful gods, was known as “The Destroyer” — he’s called Yogi Swara or the “Lord of Yoga.”

Jesus said in John 10:10, I come to bring life and life more abundantly but he who is a thief comes to kill steal and destroy.

Our God is a jealous God, not like what Oprah Winfrey says that God is jealous of her. She has no understanding of this verse and it perverted her mind. God is a jealous God much like a husband who is jealous if his wife were to have any union with another man, yes, in that manner God is jealous of his bride and we the church is the bride of Jesus. If we were to worship other gods and do what the pagans do, than we are indeed committing spiritual adultery. If God is not serious with us, we need not expect him to be angry or jealous with us. We would expect him to treat the

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