Congestive Heart Disease, Dancing With Death
Congestive Heart Failure
‘Dancing with death’
If you bothered to click into this article, it only means 2 things; you either have congestive heart failure or know someone who has congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure is not something we think about, it just happens, it sneaks up and attacks, leaving us changed for life. The guardian angel, always present by our side now has a companion. The dreaded grim reaper. He may not be visible, but he is felt, letting us know our mortality has been compromised. He keeps his distance at times but he has become part of us, a constant shadow following us around.
We try to make the best of it; try to assume that nothing much has really changed, that with a bit of good living we’ll get by just fine. I guess that is the only logical way to react, we keep up a good smile to friends and family, not letting them know how sick we really are and to keep the peace, they go along with the ruse. Doctors are good at keeping up a good front, saying just take your meds, get exercise and you’ll be fine. But I’ve had some of the more non delicate types who break the code of silence, daring to say out loud, “Mr. Verge, you are really living on the edge.” Like this is my choice, like I’ve planned it all. And he had the uncouth nature to say this in front of family, he broke the rules. He dared to tell the truth, not that I really care, but in front of loved ones. Definitely not a charm school candidate.
And there are those of you out there that managed to just get the acknowledgement of the reaper, your guardian angels were working overtime. You are class I, head of the class I should say. You can still go out