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Contemplating a 7 Dimension Theory of Everything

Is Life just a string of random chemical reactions and biological accidents or could there possibly be a theory of everything?

Frank Wilczek who is considered one of the world’s most eminent theoretical physicists has stated, “In recent months a different, much weaker notion of what a Theory of Everything might accomplish has gained ground, largely inspired by developments in string theory. In this concept, the Theory provides a unique set of equations, but those equations that have many solutions, which are realized in different parts of the Universe. One speaks instead of a multiverse, composed of many domains (dimensions), each forming a universe in itself, each with its own distinctive laws.”

Although I believe that the Universe and/ or the Mind of God is too mysterious, complex and constantly full of surprises to be boiled down to a simple formula for mankind to know, I have humbly attempted – just for fun – to take a stab at a Seven Dimensional Theory of Everything. Considering that the basic fundamental building blocks of our Universe appear to be based on 7 Dimensions and that health and wellness can be facilitated and mental and emotional healing can be enhanced by using alternative energy therapies, I propose the following Seven Dimensions theory that has helped me to better organize the information in my world and to better manage my own life.

When did it all Begin? 

In the 17th-century, an Anglican Bishop by the name of James Ussher deduced that the first day of creation began at nightfall Sunday October 27, 4004 BC. Refinements by others further pinpointed this to 9 a.m. London time, or midnight in the Garden of Eden.  Not everyone was excited by Bishop Ussher’s proclamation that

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