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(Body-Smart), 2. Intra-personal (Self-Smart), 3. Visual/ Spatial (Picture-Smart), 4. Interpersonal (People-Smart), 5. Logical/ Math (Logic-Smart), 6. Verbal/ Linguistic (Word-Smart), 7. Musical (Music-Smart)

Vocational Types: 1. Realistic, 2. Enterprising, 3. Artistic, 4. Social, 5. Conventional, 6. Investigative, 7. (Ministry – Not identified by John Holland).

O. Technology: There are Seven tools of Quality, Seven logic gates, Seven layers in the Open System Interconnection Reference Model’s (OSI) computer network design, Seven individual segments in the seven-segment electronic device display, and Seven classes of plastics.

Quality Tools: 1. Fishbone diagram, 2. Pareto chart, 3. Check sheet, 4. Control chart, 5. Flow chart, 6. Histogram, 7. Scatter diagram

Logic Gates: 1. NOT, 2. AND, 3. OR, 4. NAND, 5. XOR, 6. NOR, 7. XNOR

OSI Layers: 1. Physical, 2. Data link, 3. Network, 4. Transport, 5. Session, 6. Presentation, 7. Application

Electronic Segments: 1. A, 2. B, 3. C, 4. D, 5. E, 6. F, 7. G 
Plastics: 1. PET, 2. PE-HD, 3. PVC, 4. PE-LD, 5. PP, 6. PS, 7. O 

P. Philosophy: Based on the types of questions that it asked, Philosophy can be divided into Seven different groups. Below is a list of these groups with some related questions. Any possible list of answers to these and other questions within these categories can be called a ‘philosophy’.

1. Ontology – What is reality? 
2. Philosophy of mind/ religion – What is a mind / consciousness? Is there a God? 
3. Epistemology – What is knowledge? 
4. Ethics – What is right and wrong / What is good and bad? 
5. Aesthetics – What is beauty? 
6. Logic – What is truth? 
7. Anxiology – What has

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