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pattern of growth or movement conformed to one or more geometric shapes. For example, the Seven tangent circles of the “Flower of Life” pattern creates a hexagon shape that represents one of natures most stable forms seen in convection cells of water, the bees honey comb, and even on planet Saturn’s north pole. Others believe that sacred geometric wisdom was responsible for the advanced technology of the ancient civilizations that designed the pyramids in Egypt, China, Machu Picchu, Nubia, Bosnia, and Mesoamerica. Some believe that this advanced technology was passed down from a super-human race of aliens/ angels (gods & goddesses) that intermarried with the beautiful women of the earth to produce off-spring that were giant-like gods (prior to the Great Food of Noah’s time). These half-human, half-god-like creatures were worshipped as gods (for example: Greek mythical Gods), and that this practice evolved into the polytheistic religions such as Hinduism.

H. Ancient Religions: The Romans, Greeks, and Hindus named their Gods and Goddesses after the Seven Classical Planets and our present week days.

Roman Gods: 1. Sol, 2. Luna, 3. Mars, 4. Mercurius, 5. Jupiter, 6. Venus, 7. Saturnus

Greek Gods: 1. Helios, 2. Selene, 3. Ares, 4. Hermes, 5. Zeus, 6. Aphrodite, 7. Chronos

Hindu Gods: 1. Surya, 2. Chandra, 3. Mangal, 4. Budha, 5. Guru, 6. Sukra, 7. Shani

I. Ancient Knowledge: Paracelsus (born Phillp von Hohenheim, in Switzerland in1493) – was the Father of Alchemy (the universal science of the time that developed what were to be the disciplines of biology, medicine, chemistry, physics and astronomy as well as psychology and philosophy).  He believed that the universe’s macrocosm was represented in every person

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