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Convert or Be Killed

Thankfully the arrogant and barbaric Catholic Church has mellowed somewhat. The exclusive and country club oriented Protestant Christian community has softened a bit as well. However, there remains in both camps a sense of haughtiness that belies the exterior pontifications of grace and humility. 

For the first three hundred years after the death of Jesus, Christianity shared the lime light with all other religions: Judaism, Paganism, Roman polytheism, and Egyptian religions. Once Christianity was made the state religion everything changed and it only got worse after the Roman emperors were no longer around to do battle with and appease.

The Council of Florence (originally Council of Basel) was an Ecumenical Council of bishops and other ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholic Church, who in 1431 issued this statement: “No one remaining outside the Catholic Church can become partakers of eternal life.; but they will go into an everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless before the end of their life they are joined to the church.”

You an still smell the stench of that attitude in the Bible Belt. Submit to Jesus or burn in an eternal hell.

A Franciscan friar who went with the Conquistadors to Peru, were gracious to the local Incas. After defeating them, stealing their gold and valuables, burning their books and villages, raping their women and subjected them to all manner of humiliating acts, in a good Christian show of mercy, they offered to not kill the tribal leaders if they’d convert to Christianity.

Wow, what a deal! What an awesome outpouring of Christian love. NOT!  🙁

One of the more sad and yet humorous stories coming out of the Incan invasion is as

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