follows. A tribal leader was offered freedom if he would convert to the Catholic Church. Upon his refusal his hands were cut off and then he was offered to have his life spared, to be baptized, and secure a place in heaven. The king once more refused and added, “If I went to heaven I might meet a second Christian like you.”
It is sad but true that one of the biggest hindrances to advancing the Kingdom are those who see everything as black and white. They are lily white with the truth of God, and we who disagree with their dogma and doctrine are black and evil. But, “in the name of JAY-ZUS” they press on to convert ALL who are not “Christian”, and though they no longer cut off the hands of those who disagree, they cut off their heart, communion, and fellowship.
As Mark Mason writes, “It’s only been in the twentieth century, when the failure of missionaries to make significant impact on the Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist world has become obvious, have some Christians begun to question this exclusivity.” Maybe we can even get some of that mellowing here in the deep South, in the Bible Belt, where the gods of Strong Concordance and the inerrancy Spirit of the King James Bible still reigns!
As a spiritual-futurist, I have a BA degree majoring in history. One cannot know the future without knowing the past which holds clues to what is on the horizon. The world is in such a rapid expansion of knowledge that we are close to entering a tipping point that will forever change earth as we know it.
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