Get Adobe Flash player Visit my *NEW* Blog! The Cunning Pellar Witch Crafter (photos, videos, news feed & witchcraft items) These are contemporary Witch working tools of Mal Corvus Corone, a male Solitary Pellar Practioner in Cornwall, in the United Kingdom Wicca The original Old Middle English meaning of the word for ‘Witch’ pre-adoption as a generic term for the Wiccan religion, as initiated by Gerald Gardner 1954c .
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Cornish Wicca Ritual Witch Craft Tools

  • xrp1 says:

    its sort of stupid that catholics-christains are agenst wiccans. But the truth is christains are doing everything other than what jesus wanted instead there just killing of anything diffrent. So if your some weirdo christian you should really get a life and go bother someone else because you must really suck if you follow the bibel and a fact is they tested 30% of it for proff and it was fake, all that 30% was fake.

  • polymerclaycreatable says:

    ….. I Think witchcraft looks fun… but due to my christian beleifes and my parents being super christians i will never set foot near wicca ..

  • 69WiccanLove69 says:

    now, tho i do not follow the beliefs of the christian church, i do agree with 999susurrus to an extent. why give people who are looking for curses and evil objects the knowledge of them? are you wiccan? because “harm non, do as ye will” is our rede is it not? i do not think this video (tho used for education) should include things like skulls to house spirits and ways to curse people. ive never heard of this form of witchcraft and i do not believe (in my opinion) is should exist… BB )O(

  • ManelinhoAraujinho says:

    I love your videos! It’s so fascinating to discover more about Traditional Witchcraft’s pratices.

  • maxdracula says:

    OMG why there is no witchcraft video without christians comments???

  • mywitchcraft says:

    Thank you for supportive comment.

    I think I am putting across the point with such an ill informed christian, lol.

    As a chistian it is simply part of his aggressive faith to proslytise and spread falsehood about pagans (of all types & paths)

  • mywitchcraft says:

    wicca (Entomology: Old English Anglo Saxon for ‘male witch’ & wicce OE for female witch)

    I think you are referring to Wicca as adopted by G Gardners followers (post 1960’s), which is something entirely different of which I am not. I appreciate that as an Orthadox Christian you are not quite into the idolitary of statues at shrines (expl. Mary) as say within Catholic church, however I am fully aware of the orthadox worship of icon’s.

    I’m very happy NOT to be a christian, thank you

  • 999susurrus says:

    Look,all i want to say is that wicca is another nwo cult(among other)maded up to take man away from God.Thats their plan!To conclude this convertation i tell you this:one day you will see yourself in the mirror and you will say “what the f..k am i doing!”Believe me!I wish you all good luck!

  • wyldwych says:

    Sorry to hear that you are being targeted (as are others) by our Christian friend. It would seem that he has something against Wicca…
    Also perhaps they misunderstand their own faith, as surely the worship of Jesus Christ as the son of God is idolatry.. certainly I would say holding up the crucifix as an item of veneration, when it is so obviously a device of pain and torture.
    I would hope that our Christian friend would reconsider their comments and really educate themsleves.

  • mywitchcraft says:

    Again; in the same vain skulls & bones of your saints COULD be used for evil. You atribute usage where there is no intent. Usual Christian propoganda!

    Witch poopets can be used in faith healing, sweepers act very much like thurible. Blasting rods inevitably are returning back that sent forth ” eye for an eye” in Christian biblical terms.

    Quote: “drinking of blood”and the “eating of flesh” its only symbolic!

    In my education I was taught ALL that is symbolic is done WITH REAL INTENT!

  • 999susurrus says:

    1st i didnt say you are but on the road to.2nd i didnt mension the items you write,i mension the blasting rod,sweepers,witch poppet,skulls(necromancy) that can be used for evil.The skulls of saints in christianity are used as holly relics for blessing a church or people and never for evil.3rdAs you say the “drinking of blood”and the “eating of flesh” its only symbolic ,on the contrary to idolaters which was real

  • mywitchcraft says:

    1st I am not a Satinist,that is a Christian belief system. 2nd, I have been to both Russian & Greek Orthodox Christian services. They use incense, thurible, censer, water for banishing, oil for anointment. Bishops carry crooks/staff. Old Churches parade round bone relics of their Saints in ritual. Don’t even get into symbolic drinking of blood & cannabalistic body part consumption that’s pure Christian ritual.

  • 999susurrus says:

    First i am not a catholic i am orthodox and secondly i dont believe that they are useing their artifacts they have in their collection in rituals on the contrary you are.

  • mywitchcraft says:

    On that basis, given the Vatican has numerous Classical Greek & Roman artifacts of Pagan Gods of those from various religious Panetheons within their collections…The Pope must, using your logic clearly be on a path to becoming a Pagan by ownership of such pagan objects.

  • 999susurrus says:

    Your video has a very dark aesthetic and some of your items (as you write),can be used for evil such as blasting rod, sweeper, witch poppet and even skulls(necromancy).Also the founder of wicca(Gerald Brosseaw Gardner)was a mason and a friend of the wicked Alister Crowley who made him high priest of OTO.For all of this i hope you understand that even you are not satanist, you walk a path that eventualy you will be one…

  • mywitchcraft says:

    Clearly not, as Satan is from Christian biblical folklore. A Christian angel who, along with one-third of the angelic host rebelled against God and consequently condemned to Lake of Fire . Satanic lore stems from Christian medieval folklore and church theology surrounding Christian demons.

    Azazel, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Belial, Mastema, Sammael, are ALL biblical references & belief teachings, not mine. Since I am not a Christian…why would I follow Christian demonic heirachy?

  • 999susurrus says:

    u r one step away to satanism…

  • mywitchcraft says:


    Following on from success of my recent presentation on witchcraft Artifacts, it looks like I may start to run some witch ‘Craft’ workshops in Cornwall, UK

    Those in Cornwall interested PVT MSG me.

    Mal Corvus

  • polixs001 says:


  • acerb45666555 says:

    i have the daggers, i have a drinking horn, much more to get.

  • mywitchcraft says:

    The blasting rod is a complex composite construction & conjuring of wood bone metal skull cord & feathers.

    That Stang…is Cornish weed tree (Sycamore). Although I have others of different wood.

  • nefaeria says:

    Another great video! Your blasting rod is quite ornate; mine’s just simple blackthorn, but it gets the job done. 😉 What wood did you use for your stang?

  • LakeShaman says:

    Why was the name Wicca taken to be promoted as an aesthetic for female witchcraft?

    That’s something that bothers me about Wiccans. They think wicca means female witch but it means a male witch.

    It just seems like a perversion of the truth to base an organization on kindness while taking all the credit for yourself. If you’re being selfish can’t you just admit to being selfish.

    Why can’t they say, that our male ancestors and primates were as responsible for what we do as our females?

  • angeldustxiii says:

    Halo, ty for sending me the video. sincerely hallie

  • BingeBaebe says:

    very informitive! I quite enjoyed how you captured the spirit of these tools (no pun intended) in your photography!
    october blessings..

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