Question by Jayden’s ?mommy?: Could a woman have a Sharia Law trial in the UK, then sue the courts for sexual discrimination?
is that how you spell “sue”?
anyhow it doesn’t matter… the fact is, say a brother and sister stood to inherit their fathers money. The brother (under sharia law) gets double the sister’s amount. What is in place to stop the woman suing the court, or the brother, for her equal share?
Best answer:
Answer by MadMan
As I stated in the answer to another of your postings, both sides have to agree to the tribunal.
What do you think? Answer below!
i’d like to see a muslim woman stand up for herself.
madman, muslim women are oppressed. they’re not free to decide whether they will submit to sharia law, their husbands force them to under threat of violence to the woman, her children, or members of her family. this is how oppression works and why it’s so hard to break free of. as a free man, you owe muslim women your support in overcoming oppression.
Citizens in the UK are all subject to the same laws, whatever their religion.
As for her rights, they are the common law rights. If she is entitled to half at common law, it makes no difference what the Oman has to say about it.