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Question by dandelion:]: Could I please have a Tarot Reading from a good Tarot Reader please?
Could I please have a Tarot Reading from a good Tarot Reader please?
i could really use one right now as I really don’t know where else to go or who to go to for guidance..
October 9 92…thank you so much for your time if you’re willing to take it up for me

Best answer:

Answer by Crystal clear
What the tarot tells you comes from within your own subconscious mind, so you would be turning to yourself really, with a proper tarot reading.

As far as the “fortune tellers” – don’t bother wasting your time.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to Could I please have a Tarot Reading from a good Tarot Reader please?

  • The Snake says:

    Personally I believe a tarot card reading should be done face to face so that the Tarot cards pick up part of YOUR energy and do a reading about you, not whom ever is doing the reading.

  • Slade88green says:

    I agree with Crystal and Snake. A tarot reading must be done face to face to be effective. It uses your energy to determine the most likely outcome of a give situation. Readings over the phone or computer wont work. I also feel anyone selling tarot readings is just in it for the money and probably not giving you a good reading as their heart and mind isn’t where it should be for the reading. If you want a good tarot reading, buy a deck and do your own. When buying a deck, do it by feel. Just walk along the row where the decks are, toughing each one briefly. The one that is right for you, if there is one there, will let you know.

  • Girl Raphael says:

    Email me your question and I will do one for you

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