Question by Smiley: could shamans tell you what you want to know?
could shamans receive divine information on a current situation your in because i heard there mystics,etc.
Best answer:
Answer by arksisvondraken
God speaks to everyone. some are better listeners than others.
a shaman isn’t exactly a listener. they’re doers. they won’t give advice or answer questions, they’ll try and solve your problems for you.
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Yes a shaman could do a journey and ask your question to his or her power animal or teacher and after the journey they will tell you what they saw. There are however a few things that you should know it is not a direct answer process 99% of the time the information is symbolic so the interpretation of the information is up to you and your interpretation of the information might not be correct and if the information is correct you might not know it till afterwards.
I practice core shamanism and have had great results in asking a question and getting back an answer that was correct however I did not realize that it was correct till after the fact and I saw something or hear something that validated the information.
Now you don’t have to have a shaman ask you question for you. Try to meditate on the question clear you mind ask you question to God and just be patient and see if any images or feeling come back to you. Also you want to keep an eye for what Carl Jung called a synchronicity which he described as meaningful coincidences. I am not making this up these are real I will give you an example of something that happened to me.
A few years ago in spring I started to see butterflies everywhere I had never seen so many before it seemed everywhere I went there was a butterfly. Butterflies can represent change and there was a lot of change going on in my life. Two months later I decided to get another apartment and on a whim I picked up a paper and found an apartment that fit what I needed. The owners told me that they haven’t rented the place yet because they were very particular about who they would rent to. When I was taken around the house to look at the apartment I saw a lawn ornament next to the stairs leading to the door. It was a butterfly, I knew I would get the apartment after I saw it and I did.
That is a synchronicity. It doesn’t always have to be spiritual or the answer to a direct question. If you keep your mind and eyes open the universe will give you the answers.