A traditional Witch’s Spell Bottle is crafted for Protection however I use this concept and craft Spell Bottles for many other reasons. This is an instructional video for crafting a Love and Happiness Spell Bottle I did for a friend. I hope you enjoy it. Blessed Be!
@IfYouSeekHaleigh No need to explain. I hope you enjoyed watching. =)
I wish I had access to these ingredients. while I was watching the video, all of a sudden I could smell them as if they were right in front of my face. it was surprising. I can’t explain it.
@jazziejay0918 Why would you want to break this love spell? This love spell is for self love and unconditional love. This particular spell was crafter for a friend of mine and she wouldn’t want to break it.
how do you break this love bottle spell???? please help
@Helenhealer Thank you for watching, Helen. The compliment means much to me coming from a wonderful individual and insightful person such as yourself.
Many blessings of abundance to you!
Blessings and love xxxx Beautiful video! Thank you so much! xxxxxx
@lynnvryett I have a blog over there as well so I followed you. =)
@lynnvryett Oh, yes please!
By the way, I put this video featured on one of my blog entries! If you are interested I can PM you the link to it if you’re interested
@lynnvryett Thank you!
Beautiful and inspiring. Thanks SO much, I’m a bottle collector so now it’s so much easier to come up with ideas of what to do with them!!
@SerenityRayyne Thank you!
I love this! This is GREAT *:)
@MoonlitOpal You are a GENIUS! I did think of that however since I did read Playing cards once upon a time and because for me they still FEEL like cards I included them. But that doesn’t mean you are not a genius. I personally think you are. =)
OOOOO!! I have an idea!! What if you found PRINT OUTS of the Tarot Cards you wanted to use! You could put THOSE in the bottles!! (Omg.. I think I’m a genius).
<3 )O( Blessings!!!
@NaturesFairy Thank you.
@BlackcatNZ Oh, thank you very much.
@zenhacker It is the same spell I say when I seal the bottle in this case it is: Love and light shall come to thee, through Vesta, Isis, Aphrodite, she who holds this bottle be, blessed with love and harmony. This is my will so mote it be.
what is the spell you whisper into the bottle?
@janusfiresong16 Runes? I haven’t spent much time with them myself. They don’t call to me. I think they’re great but I just don’t resonate with them. =(
OOo thats pretty. Heres an idea though. You should do a video on runes. I’ve been trying to learn those for a while, but I just can’t figure it out lol. Blessings! )O(
@michikobll I will come up with some other ideas. I need to collect the materials to fill the bottle. Actually … I just thought of one!!!
I absolutely lovee the crafting bottle videos! beautiful! Please do more
nicely done
very soothing and full of love
@ScenicWitch Thank you for watching. =D