REID: It’s a man. The male pelvis is more narrow, and the opening at the bottom is heart-shaped, as opposed to oval. REID: Melted wax? JJ: Candle wax? REID: Candles are used in rituals. GIDEON: They’re also used on birthday cakes. REID: Actually, they were originally used to protect the birthday celebrant from demons for the coming year. As a matter of fact, down to the fourth century, Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan ritual.
Reid looks so proud of himself at the end of this video.
We’re all proud of you too, Spencer. :3
reid is soo right
In many ways, candles were considered sinful until about 400 AD. Candles were believed to be a link to the underworld and hell, and were, according to one source, used to call the dead and demons from the depths of hell. Candles are still used in many Satanistic and Wican rituals, such as seances.
I think I should stop watching this, it brings out more nerdiness in me, lol.
omg that is kinda cool, I love the stuff I learn on this show from Reid
i have the marathon on dvd.
Lol, I remember that episode. xDD
“What kind of doctor are you?”
Love this episode. And he’s right about the birthday celebration thing (of course).
The Popular Kids
he is so brill
I just watched the marathon on New Years Day. 8 hours of Criminal MInds – and it was worth every minute. xD
It’s called “The Popular Kids”. Good episode.
I love him. So. Much.

@GrizzlyFlower thers a marathon every friday at 7am on A&E
@GrizzlyFlower There’s a marathon every Friday and Sunday on A&E! Like 7:00- sometime
I’ve been through every episode ATLEAST 5 times with those
Poop. I missed it…
@criminalminds101 um i think its on this marathon on friday i dont know the name but probably if you look it up on youtube ull finnd it just type in um criminal minds
what episode not like 1×10 but the name of the episode
When I saw this on TV, I was blown away!! Most people think I’m crazy when I tell them that celebrating birthdays is a pagan tradition with demonic roots. A+ Reid. Love him!!
Lol i love how he’s just poking the body with a stick.
I love him
I love how everyone’s lookin at Reid. XDD
Hehe ^_^ that is so funny! They banned birthday cakes! This will be the perfect thing to bring up in a debate
Thank you very much, Spencer 
Oh, I understand now, thanks.
Christmas used to be a pagan festival (winter solstise-sorry about spelling) but Christians sort of hijacked it so it’s not anymore. I think it was them trying to stop pagan traditions by taking over their feast days. They also share some other holidays and there are quite a few similarities between the christian gospels and pagan mythology if you look at Jesus and Osiris-Dionysus. Also most christians do celebrate birthdays only a few don’t e.g. jehova’s witness’s i.e. really strict ones.