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Daily Living Of Simply Psychics’ Popular Psychic Medium Reader

Are your spirit guides around you every day?

 When you have guides and you know what and who they are,
they are mostly around you everyday, but guides can change
and different ones can be brought in at times.

Have you had any weird experiences at home?

knocks, bangs, taps, phone plugs coming out of there socket
disrupting communication, in particular T.V. switching itself
off more than once in succession.   Strange bangs at night  and the
strangest is when a friend visited and about 20 minutes later i saw
HER guide get up from her chair and drifted across the room out of
my living room door, that freaked me out I can tell you!


Lucy works for a popular psychic brand psychic medium readings

What happens when we die?

I don’t know all the answers about this one, maybe not everyone does?
It’s my feeling our loved ones “rest” for a time as passing over is traumatic
at times.   There are many levels in the spirit world and many forms
of passing like when you get “lost souls” who don’t know where they’re
going who re-visit us on earth.   These can be helped go to the light
if they want to go.


Are there different planes of existence?

I can only say I’m aware of different plane especially connected to
Egypt before the pyramids as I once had a spiritual boyfriend who told
me of this and that he could remember it.    I haven’t had any more
personal experiences of this.


Have you ever astral traveled?

I only

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