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This is a short description of some of the Antichrist/Dajjal’s manifestations in pagan culture throughout history.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Earth Day Celebration Dear Friends of Forcing Change, Christianity is to blame for our environmental woes, and Earth Day gives a chance to displace Christianity with a “new set of basic values.” This is the essence of today’s Earth celebration. “No new set of basic values has been accepted in our society to displace those of Christianity. Hence we shall have a worsening ecologic crisis until we reject the Christian axiom…” – Lynn White Jr., The Environmental Handbook (prepared for the first “Earth Day”). Phil Holden Edinburgh boasts the largest pagan festival in Europe but what is responsible for paganism’s modern rise? This talk was recorded in front of a packed audience during Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival. It draws material from two other talks and articles: The New Age is the fastest growing spiritual movement in the West. New Age philosophy, a complex mixture of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, the occult and humanism, is attracting millions of people who are shopping in the world’s spiritual market place for what suits them best. The following true-life stories come from New Agers who were determined to discover the ultimate truth they were sure existed ‘somewhere’ in the maze of writings and experiences available to them: Inside The New Age Nightmare – By Randall N. Baer Out of the Twilight Zone – By Paul James-Griffiths Enfield, London, England. Sai Baba: Lord of the Air – By Tal Brooke Berkeley
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Dajjal Through The Ages

  • Blaquemajeek says:

    @pianohbc You do know that there were books that were removed from the bible also. You should try to read those too. Very informative.

  • pianohbc says:

    @arcanist9 I am sorry you think that – although its an opinion that many use too lightly without their own indepth study of facts. God has given us His word to show us Himself and in the life and resurrection of His Son – its 100% prophecy accuracy and its detail on the history and future and present prophecies on Israel and the world make it totally reliable- and thats where faith comes in

  • arcanist9 says:

    @pianohbc And this is where the debate ends. You cannot use the Bible as an authoritative or legitimate source of knowledge — it’s open to interpretation. Once you start quoting scripture and “proving” your point by referring to something the bible says, the conversation moves beyond rational discussion and onto theological semantics. It also means that you cannot defend your argument through independent thought. You have to rely upon an obscure text written by others.

  • pianohbc says:

    @arcanist9 In addition to that the Bible reveals all His perfection and was displayed in the perfect man Jesus Christ- there you will see the perfection of gender. Females only rise up to inappropriate views and actions where men fail in their role. Jesus Christ is the answer to all men and women in their redemption

  • pianohbc says:

    @arcanist9 It depends on what you mean by being a man – if you mean to act as worldly men of flesh then no- we are fallen beings and our actions are imperfect. The godliness of God as male is one of love, holiness, grace, righteousness, holy anger and jealousy but all in an appropriate and inexplainable Godhead.

  • arcanist9 says:

    @pianohbc Then why did he choose to be a man? Seeing that men have dominated religion, particularly monotheism, for millenia, doesn’t that tell you something about the socially constructed nature of religion?

  • pianohbc says:

    @arcanist9 no- he created gender

  • arcanist9 says:

    Does the fact that God has a gender hint to anyone that, just maybe, “he” was made up by men?

  • xxxPassiexxx says:

    Now children can investigate things
    Before everybody got brainwashed by their priest to believe anything they said

    Internet gave humanity knowledge and ways to check assumptions in history
    So it made people more aware and harder to manipulate to god

    Maya an many others have been destroyed cos they had a different believe
    Thus burned them alive and their writings destroyed in the name of God I thought Devil asked to kill and should be feared and God loved Gods people act a lot like devilovers

  • TheStarJuggler says:

    I suppose I didnt think of it that way… Touche.

  • Valmarith says:

    How it would look to said being is irrelevant, in reality if you were on the computer you would most likely be quite active. As for the TV, you could be watching trash, or you could be watching the news, or you could be watching a documentery, or you could simply be relaxing after a hard day at work watching a comedy that makes you laugh.

    Now imagine said being saw you sitting there reading a book, you would look like a souless zombie being controlled by the book you were staring at.

  • TheStarJuggler says:

    Imagine a being from another world observing you sitting at your computer or sitting on your couch watching TV.

    You would look like a soulless zombie being controlled by the box you are staring at.

  • Valmarith says:

    I accidently said heat twice, when I meant to say energy.

  • Valmarith says:

    Can you cite a study showing that a computer monitor emits more radiation than a lightbulb? That seems a bit counter-intuitive, the light bulb radiates massive amounts of heat, light, and heat but the monitor I am using runs cool, emitting a little light and a small static charge far weaker than what you would get from socks on a carpet. I have never burned myself touching my computer monitor.

    I doubt that passage is actually in the Bible, people are creative in how they interpret quotes.

  • TheStarJuggler says:

    “A computer monitor emits radiation all around—more at the sides and back than in front, because of the flyback transformer.”

    It might not be a LOT of radiation, but its DEFINATLEY much more than the lightbulb above my head.

    As far the exact bible passage, I don’t remember. I do remember reading it, and discussing it with a friend. It was a passage about how in the end each house will have some box of evil in it.

  • Valmarith says:

    The computer isn’t any more radioactive than the light over your head. The internet can be used for a lot of things, I think there is an unreasonable double standard applied to newer technologies at times. If someone spends all day reading a book or listening to music most people do not criticize that, but if someone spends a few hours on the internet some people treat it like a unique problem.

  • TheStarJuggler says:

    Not neccisarily saying that the internet is bad for the planet, I am saying that it is bad for the human being that is sitting stationary staring into a radioactive machine for hours at a time.

  • Valmarith says:

    Using the internet causes much less harm than driving the car, there really is not much radiation coming from your computer by the way, no more than is coming from any other electrical device in your home. If children do not play outside when weather allows it the fault is with the parents not the internet, parents should stop using technology as a nanny.

    Where in the Christian’s bible does it say anything about an evil black box?

  • TheStarJuggler says:

    I’m not talking about using cars as much as I’m talking about the internet. Drive down any neighborhood street on a nice sunny day. The yards nearly void of children out playing. 15 years ago, the same neighborhood would be full of children playing in the sunshine.

    Now, they instead stay inside all day absorbing their computers radiation..

    You know, the Christian bible specifically says that in the end times, each home will have an evilblack box that evil things come out of.

  • Valmarith says:

    You really have little choice on some things, you need transportation, it is possible to create clean cars but the big oil companies and the automotive companies are often in the way. The internet does not destroy nature and most Wiccans try to live as eco-friendly as possible without becoming cave hermits.

    Ultimately technology is the only thing that can save nature anyway, eventually the earth is going to have another mass extinction and eventually the sun will expand into a red giant.

  • TheStarJuggler says:

    How can you venerate the earth and nature in your religion, then partake in technology that destroys it?

    Wouldnt being a part of something that is killing the one thing you hold holy (nature) be against your religion?

  • Valmarith says:

    Neither are indoor plumbing, microwaves, cars, or for that matter killing something with a club or spear instead of using your hands and fingernails.

    Wiccans venerate the earth and nature in general, it doesn’t mean they go Amish.

  • TheStarJuggler says:

    Just saying that spending hours a day blankly staring into a monitor isn’t very natural.

  • Valmarith says:

    Not necessarily, some Wiccans are quite the technophiles. Wiccans care about the earth but it does not mean they shun technology.

  • TheStarJuggler says:

    I would just think that a religion that venerates the earth and nature so, would be against spending hours in your dimly lit appartment staring at a 20 inch box.

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