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pagans temple
by Zero-X

Damanhur Now on Display

The word is spreading. If 30,000 world-wide Christian denominations were not enough and you simply couldn’t align yourself with any of the other religions of the world,other than being one who is terribly hard to please, there just might be something new on the horizon for you. Of should I say, something underground that might flip your switch. Can you say damanhur?

A group in Italy started a secret temple in 1978 and made it all by hand! It’s now open for the public. The group that built this more than elaborate cave calls themselves Damanhur! The temple they have constructed under ground is a maze of artwork, scultures, and structure itself is more than amazing. There will be more and more attention given to this unique band of believers; however, what we do know so far is that they are quite a mix of many religious traditions.

Damanhur’s beliefs are derived from several ancient socities such as- Celtic Paganism, Celtic Christianity, Egyptian and Greek Pagan religion. Influences from Gnosticism, the New Age and Theosophy are also present. Their God is an unknowable one. Are all gods really and truly not knowable, thus we must speak in metaphories and allegories to get half way there.

Damanhur is named after the Egyptian city of Damanhur which was the site of a temple

They beleive that the first human was a Primeval Deity who suffered a fall and merged with a human body. One of the goals of Damanhur is to help individuals return to what they call the original “subtler” pre-fall state. They believe that a series of synchronic lines traverse the surfacde of the earth as do other groups. The community located their site at what they believe is a point of

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