Dante’s Inferno For The Psp Review
Download Dante’s Inferno PSP/PSP Go Game For Free!
Whenever a major console release comes with a PSP port in tow, there is usually good reason to be apprehensive. Some can fare just fine, but then there are the others. The PSP ports that take what is essentially a good, or even great, console game and yet somewhere along the line wind up twisting and breaking whatever worked in the other versions and then selling it based solely on its name. Thankfully, this is definitely not the case with Dante’s Inferno for the PSP. In fact, I believe this PSP version may be better equipped to face its immediate competition than the console versions of the game.
Admittedly, this statement is made partially true due to the lack of similar, high quality beat’em ups on the platform. Dante’s Inferno for the PSP doesn’t have to worry about its release being bookended between the likes of the crazy and over-the-top Bayonetta and the looming shadow of Kratos’ swan song in God of War III. However, Dante’s main competition does still come from the man who wants to kill Zeus in the form of his two-year-old God of War: Chains of Olympus. While I think Kratos probably still wins in a heads-up comparison, Dante’s Inferno holds its own as one of the best action adventure titles on the PSP.
As you probably already know, the story of Dante’s Inferno has been loosely adapted from the first book of Dante Alighieri’s
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