A team of scientists explore a Mexican cave filled with giant crystals; some of the largest ever discovered. With temperatures near 120 degrees and over 80 percent humidity, the cave is one of the deadliest environments on earth. Giant Crystal Cave : SUN OCTOBER 12 9P et/pt : channel.nationalgeographic.com…
“Melting The Ice – Fighting Methamphetamine”. Sponsors: This program is made possible through a partnership with the Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training (MCTFT) Program at St. Petersburg College and the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), with the technical support of the Satellite Education Network (SEN) at Ft. Lee, VA. Target Audience Statement: Primary target audiences for this program will include law enforcement officials, drug prevention specialists, Drug-Free Communities Act grantees, administrators, school drug counselors, high school athletic officials, treatment providers, drug court members, policy makers, business leaders, coalition volunteers, drug demand reduction coordinators, criminal justice professionals, members of the religious community and other community partners who may be interested. This program is also suitable for Public Access television distribution. Program Summary And Objectives: It’s an epidemic… spreading across the country from west to east. If it isn’t in your community yet, it will be. Methamphetamine kills people every day and knows no boundaries. Coalitions and concerned citizens everywhere can play a part in slowing down this plague. During this hour-long broadcast, we’ll hear from law enforcement about the realities of fighting a drug that is “homegrown”–made using over-the-counter cold medicines and household chemicals. The drug is dangerous and so are those who make it. If you come across a lab … Video Rating: 4 / 5
@TheBeatMaker1 lol you wanna smoke meth thats dirty bro meths dirty.all you do is feel lost like a mother fucker cant even say what your doing if your asked lol
@j0j0bean2008 there is a big fuckn difference between physical and mental addictions. alcohol heroin and benzos will give you serious physical withdrawals but weed and others are just addicting to your personality. dont be so sure of your words until you have been there.
@MrSpeL34 true i been smoking ice for past 8 years on and off the only time i dont have it is when it gets dry and u cant get hooked on it all in ur head but the herion different it in ur head and body u need that shit cause ur body needs it ice is just in ur head
@j0j0bean2008 no, me messing with meth? pft, I fuck with weed and ecstacy baby, but i know someone close that DID meth, and never got addicted to it, he did it a few times, then quit. And you can’t get addicted to weed lulz, you gotta be either a 10 year old smoker or a retard to think that.
@MrSpeL34 How can you even think that meth is an ok drug!! Are you off your head when you are writing this??? every drug is fucking addictive EVEN WEED. Idiot
Wow. Only ten minutes into this video. But, so far it is far more accurate than any of the other videos in reference to the subject. There are still inconsistancies and inaccuracies. Generally, people that use are going to defend it. People that don’t are going to attack it. The truth is somewhere in the middle ground. There is no such thing as a 100% safe drug (yes, marijuana is included.) And, you don’t *need* any recreational drug. If you must use, know what you are doing, and be responsible!
@thewon2001 thats so bullshit, meth is just like adderall or concerta, its like a fucking speed. meth isn’t SHIT compared to crack, you dont know your drugs, meth is only addicting if you want it to be addicting, its like weed, you dont get addicted to weed..
Regarding the Meth Watch program, what I don’t understand is if somebody did buy all those items, how are you supposed to know if they’re going to use it for meth, or not?
all meth heads should be put down with a bullet , fucking idiots.
Congrats on your work.
i really like this police guy, he has a very fair approach to drugs rather than scare tactics
@TheBeatMaker1 lol you wanna smoke meth thats dirty bro meths dirty.all you do is feel lost like a mother fucker cant even say what your doing if your asked lol
I’ll never live long enough to understand Human beings….
I bet this guys has tried meth, or still does it.
@j0j0bean2008 there is a big fuckn difference between physical and mental addictions. alcohol heroin and benzos will give you serious physical withdrawals but weed and others are just addicting to your personality. dont be so sure of your words until you have been there.
@MrSpeL34 true i been smoking ice for past 8 years on and off the only time i dont have it is when it gets dry and u cant get hooked on it all in ur head but the herion different it in ur head and body u need that shit cause ur body needs it ice is just in ur head
@slashaozzie lol no it doesnt show me the proof
@j0j0bean2008 no, me messing with meth? pft, I fuck with weed and ecstacy baby, but i know someone close that DID meth, and never got addicted to it, he did it a few times, then quit. And you can’t get addicted to weed lulz, you gotta be either a 10 year old smoker or a retard to think that.
@MrSpeL34 i take it your talking from experiance then!
@j0j0bean2008 Its addictive if you want it to be.
@MrSpeL34 How can you even think that meth is an ok drug!! Are you off your head when you are writing this??? every drug is fucking addictive EVEN WEED. Idiot
so basically all the meth watch showed me was now i can walk into ace write down all the things i need to make meth and i can buy them online now:)
Wow. Only ten minutes into this video. But, so far it is far more accurate than any of the other videos in reference to the subject. There are still inconsistancies and inaccuracies. Generally, people that use are going to defend it. People that don’t are going to attack it. The truth is somewhere in the middle ground. There is no such thing as a 100% safe drug (yes, marijuana is included.) And, you don’t *need* any recreational drug. If you must use, know what you are doing, and be responsible!
If you are gonna take a drug….smoke weed, it also kills cancer cells
dude its homeboy from Breaking Bad!!
ppl may think its funny and shiit but its not especally when you have a mom that does this shiit
@thewon2001 thats so bullshit, meth is just like adderall or concerta, its like a fucking speed. meth isn’t SHIT compared to crack, you dont know your drugs, meth is only addicting if you want it to be addicting, its like weed, you dont get addicted to weed..
Eww is she a man? or was she a man?
Regarding the Meth Watch program, what I don’t understand is if somebody did buy all those items, how are you supposed to know if they’re going to use it for meth, or not?
I can’t believe that meth makes a person stay awake for days. Unbelievable.
great reading material while i eat my burger and fries, glad i live in canada
the meth hit middle and south U.S hard , redneck places !
@thewon2001 I’ve used it as a joke… hasn’t took shit from me. I don’t enjoy it. Taste like shit, smells like shit. I don’t like uppers.